Owning a dog can be a transformative experience, especially when that dog is as unexpectedly unique as Blue the Greyhound, a favorite on Instagram whose life took a drastic turn after a racing injury.

Unexpected Adoption

Blue’s adoption was serendipitous. With no other takers, Kimberley found herself the owner of a towering Greyhound who needed a new home, leg injury and all. The sheer size of Greyhounds alone can be daunting, let alone one recovering from an injury.

Navigating New Territory

For Kimberley, welcoming Blue meant learning the ropes of owning a retired athlete. Despite Greyhounds’ reputation for sensitivity and shyness, Kimberley found herself unprepared for Blue’s dramatic displays of need, especially after his leisurely lounging periods.

Dramatic Displays of Need

When Blue wanted to play, he made it abundantly clear. From intense stares to melodramatic sighs and, finally, high-pitched barking, Blue knew how to get attention. Kimberley’s patience was repeatedly tested, but she found ways to manage his bursts of energy.

Behavioral Challenges and Triumphs

Over time, Kimberley and Blue developed a bond that allowed her to channel his energy productively. Regular sprinting sessions and playdates with other dogs became essential for managing Blue’s exuberance and helping him feel secure in his new environment.

A Champion Against Greyhound Racing

Blue’s story transcended his personal quirks. With Kimberley’s advocacy, fueled by Blue’s social media presence and charm, they became outspoken critics of Greyhound racing. Their efforts garnered international attention and support, significantly contributing to the movement against Greyhound exploitation.

Legacy and Impact

From raising funds to supporting legislative efforts against racing, Blue’s influence has been profound. His journey from injured racer to advocate symbolizes resilience and the transformative power of human-animal relationships.


Blue’s story is a testament to the depth of a dog’s personality and the unexpected joys and challenges of pet ownership. Through love, patience, and advocacy, Kimberley and Blue continue to inspire change and promote a brighter future for Greyhounds everywhere.