Some dogs don’t have the best start in life, but that makes rescuing all the more worthwhile. It’s a wonderful experience to see your poor dog smile again!

Camper didn’t do well when he first came into the limelight. Found in a local cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri, the dog is less than a year old and has already had a difficult childhood.

Because he was completely bald and his skin was inflamed, Camper needed immediate help. Help has arrived soon!

Travel in a motorhome

Despite his poor condition, Camper was a good boy from the start. When St. Louis Rescue found him, immediately warmed to the volunteers and wagged his tail. Tim felt the urge to help the poor dog and immediately brought him to the shelter.

“It breaks our heart. We’ll do everything we can to turn his life around.,” SRSL wrote on Facebook.

Taking care of Camper’s skin and sore feet was the main goal. Although it was clear that he was in a lot of pain, the caretakers knew how to properly treat his new blemish. In addition to proper nutrition, I started taking therapeutic baths. After the first few weeks, Camper’s condition began to improve. He slowly came out of his shell, and his bath brought the first results.

Skin inflammation was greatly reduced and hair began to grow slowly. To prevent further infection, the team had to find the right way to protect Camper’s skin. Hence the idea of ​​pajamas!

They began dressing the cute pup in a variety of cozy pajamas, which soon became Camper’s signature look. She quickly embraced her new look and fell in love with her unique pajamas!

The whole team was happy to see Camper thriving and smiling again!

amazing change

After a few months, Camper’s skin had completely grown back. What was once pink, wrinkled skin has now turned into shiny black fur! He was so unrecognizable he looked like a bird dog.

“He’s always been beautiful on the inside. Now, he just gets healthier, shinier, and even more beautiful on the outside. We are so proud of you Kamper,” the SRSL team wrote.

He was then transferred to a foster home, which continued to care for him. But he also wanted to bring pajamas!

It didn’t take long for the camper to get used to his new surroundings. He gets along very quickly with other dogs and his gentle nature helped a lot. He was a natural, and his guardians knew that one day he would make his family happy!

Then, at the end of October 2023, it was time! A family contacted SRSL looking for a new dog and the team found the answer right away! They eventually adopted Camper into a loving home.

“Your beautiful, happy smile lights up a room. And now, you have found your family. Congratulations, you beautiful soul. We are so happy for you and celebrate you today,” SRSL wrote in a Facebook post.

It was love at first sight. Kamper was over the moon to finally have a home of his own, and the family was amazed by his kind and loving nature.

Today, Kamper’s doing great in his forever home. Once a struggling dog with an unpredictable future, he’s now the happiest family dog in the world!