This article is written by Carrie Kosinski, a 28-year-old woman who has always wanted a big family.

After making several unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant, she and her husband Craig made the decision to see a doctor to find the cause of her infertility. After a battery of exams and several procedures, the medical professionals determined that Carrie and her husband Craig won’t be able to conceive naturally.

This information caused Carrie’s plans to have a large family to fail, and she developed depression.

Two years later, the two spouses’ lives would undergo a significant change. Carrie was asked if she would be interested in adopting a child when one of her friends became pregnant.

Without stopping to consider it, she immediately agreed to the proposal. They were ecstatic and looking forward to the arrival of the much-awaited child. It wasn’t until a few months later that Carrie and her husband realized it was a set of twins. So, on February 28, 2014, Adalynn and Kenna, two adorable and healthy twins, were born.

The Kosinski family welcomed the twins into their home and decorated their bedroom. Following that, the new parents experienced both many sleepless nights and many happy ones.

After the twins were born, a former acquaintance of Carrie’s contacted them and inquired about their interest in adopting the other set of twins they had, JJ and CeCe. The twins, who were actually born on the same day as their siblings on February 28, 2013, are unbelievable but true.

They had already adopted two sets of twins, but Carrie had in vitro fertilization and gave birth to a baby. Being able to have a biological child at last filled her with joy.

Following an ultrasound, Carrie was shocked to discover she was expecting twins. The Kosinskis needed to redecorate once more in order to get ready for the arrival of two new family members.

Additionally amazing, Carrie delivered twins on February 28.

Carrie says there is never a dull moment at home. There are so many kids in the family that there is no time for boredom. Children play and enjoy themselves from dawn until dark. “Having a kindergarten right here at home is like that. “.

All of Carrie’s friends and acquaintances questioned whether she had intended for the twin pairs to be delivered via cesarean section on the same day. The mother, who gave birth at 24 weeks, claimed that nothing was planned. Their only plan was to adopt the children, but because of ongoing financial issues, they were unable to adopt the first set of twins.

The young family is entirely dependent on Craig’s accounting pay, which is his primary source of income, and the adoption costs $18,000.

Despite the difficulties, the couple insisted that they still wanted to have more children.