Taking care of helpless animals is not just a simple act of mercy, but a life-changing mission that keeps humanity alive. Stories like this particular one are once again proof of how strong the bond between dogs and people is, and how truly beautiful it can be.

Discovering a Cry for Help

Soner Büyümez found himself in the right place at the right time. While working in an orchard, he heard the desperate howls of a helpless dog. Rushing to the source, Soner discovered a heart-wrenching scene: a mother dog trapped in the ground with only her head above.

A Mother’s Struggle

The mom dog had created a home for herself and her puppies on a slope near the orchard. Unfortunately, a landslide buried them underground. Soner and his colleague immediately sprang into action, pulling the distressed mother out. But her stress persisted, hinting at more dire circumstances.

A Race Against Time

As the mother dog was freed, the cries of puppies beneath the soil grew louder. Soner and his colleague dug furiously, their bare hands working to unearth the trapped pups. After hours of intense digging, they rescued eight puppies, though tragically, one did not survive.

Safe and Sound

The relieved mother dog cuddled her surviving pups, grateful for their newfound safety. Soner decided to provide them with a nurturing home on his farm. Though they had endured hardship, they were now in a place where they could thrive, all thanks to Soner’s selfless intervention.

A Noble Gesture

Soner’s act of heroism didn’t end there. With dozens of other dogs on his farm, he ensures they have food and shelter. His actions exemplify true compassion and humanity, demonstrating that heroes don’t always wear capes.


Soner Büyümez’s courageous deed serves as a reminder of the profound impact one person can have on the lives of others, both human and animal alike. His dedication to the well-being of these dogs embodies the essence of compassion and kindness.