Officer Michelle Rohlf of the Orlando Police Department began her shift like any other day, unaware of the surprise awaiting her. Responding to a call of service with her squad, they encountered a woman suspected of theft. What they didn’t expect was her canine companion, hidden in a tangled mass of fur within a stroller.

Arriving at the scene, Officer Rohlf noticed the woman’s disheveled appearance and the distressed dog nestled within the stroller. Approaching the furry mess, she found a pair of sorrowful eyes peering out. It was clear the dog, named Sullivan, was in distress. Silent and motionless, he appeared neglected, his fur matted and soiled with urine. Rohlf knew immediate action was needed to help him.

A Sad Discovery: Sullivan’s Plight

Officer Rohlf’s heart sank as she assessed Sullivan’s condition. The poor pup’s tangled fur was a testament to the neglect he had endured. It was evident that he needed urgent care and attention. Despite his apparent suffering, Sullivan’s eyes held a glimmer of hope, as if he knew help had finally arrived.

With compassion and determination, Rohlf gently lifted Sullivan from the stroller, cradling him in her arms. She reassured him with soothing words, promising to do everything in her power to help him. As she carried him to her patrol car, Rohlf couldn’t shake the feeling of responsibility weighing heavily on her shoulders. She was Sullivan’s lifeline, his chance at a new beginning.

A New Beginning at the Shelter

Concerned for Sullivan’s well-being, Officer Rohlf wasted no time in getting him the help he needed. She rushed him to Orange County Animal Services in Orlando, Florida, where dedicated staff members were ready to assist. His owner’s inability to reclaim him left Sullivan in the shelter’s care, but it also opened the door to a brighter future.

Upon arrival at the shelter, Sullivan was greeted with kindness and compassion. The staff immediately set to work, assessing his condition and devising a plan for his care. It was clear that Sullivan had a long road ahead of him, but with the support of the shelter staff and the community, he had a fighting chance.

When Dannielle Southon, founder of Central Florida Fosters, saw Sullivan’s photo, she was moved to help. Offering to foster him, she saw potential for his recovery. Southon knew that with the right care and attention, Sullivan could overcome his past traumas and thrive in a loving home.

Transformation and Foster Care

Before leaving the shelter, Sullivan received a much-needed grooming session, revealing a hidden beauty beneath the matted fur. His transformation amazed everyone who laid eyes on him. With each snip of the scissors, Sullivan’s true personality began to shine through. Gone was the timid, unkempt dog from before; in his place stood a proud and confident pup, ready to take on the world.

As soon as Southon met him, she knew Sullivan was something special. His gentle demeanor and affectionate nature won her over instantly. In her foster care, Sullivan began to blossom. With patience and understanding, Southon helped him overcome his fears and insecurities, one small step at a time. Sullivan’s progress was remarkable, a testament to the healing power of love and compassion.

Emotional Reunion and Hope for the Future

Sullivan’s gratitude extended beyond words when reunited with Officer Rohlf. Joyful to see each other again, they shared an emotional embrace. Rohlf was astounded by Sullivan’s transformation, grateful to have played a role in his rescue. Their reunion was heartwarming for all involved, a testament to the bond forged between a dedicated officer and a resilient pup.

As Sullivan continues his journey towards recovery, he remains in the loving care of his foster mom, Heather. Together, they navigate life’s ups and downs, with Sullivan’s tail wagging ever more confidently with each passing day. With his newfound confidence and zest for life, Sullivan is ready to embark on the next chapter of his journey: finding his forever home.


Now under the care of foster mom Heather, Sullivan is on his journey to find a forever home. Despite his past hardships, his resilience and newfound happiness shine through. With the love and support he’s received, Sullivan is sure to bring joy to his future pawrents.