How to Treat Dog Ear Hematoma at Home

Dog ear hematomas are common, especially in floppy-eared breeds. While professional veterinary care is often necessary, there are home remedies that can alleviate discomfort before you see the vet. This guide outlines home treatments and crucial information about dog ear hematomas.

What Is a Dog Ear Hematoma?

A dog ear hematoma, also known as an aural hematoma, is a blood accumulation outside blood vessels, usually in the ear flap (pinna). It can be caused by trauma, allergies, infections, or parasites. Symptoms include a swollen ear flap, warmth to touch, foul odor, discharge, head shaking, and tilting the head to one side.

Home Remedies for Dog Ear Hematomas

Before attempting any home remedies, understand that draining a hematoma at home is not advisable due to the risk of pain and infection.

  1. Witch Hazel:
  • Application: Apply witch hazel balm or oil to the affected area.
  • Benefits: Reduces discomfort, inflammation, and shrinks blood vessels and pores. It also has a numbing effect.
  • Usage: Apply gently to avoid causing pain.
  1. Arnica:
  • Application: Use arnica oil to massage small hematomas.
  • Benefits: Promotes blood reabsorption, reduces bruising and swelling.
  • Usage: Massage lightly without pressing too hard.
  1. Yarrow:
  • Application: Apply yarrow oil to the skin of the dog’s ear.
  • Benefits: Strengthens capillary walls and aids in the disappearance of small hematomas.
  • Usage: Massage gently into the ear.
  1. Leeches (Vet Supervision Recommended):
  • Application: Attach leeches to the hematoma area.
  • Benefits: Draws blood and reduces clotting and scar tissue formation.
  • Usage: Only under veterinary supervision due to potential complications.
  1. Compresses:
  • Application: Use warm compresses on the affected ear.
  • Benefits: Reduces pain and inflammation temporarily.
  • Usage: Apply intermittently and combine with other treatments for better results.

Avoid DIY Draining

  • Risks: Attempting to drain a hematoma at home with sharp objects can cause severe pain, excessive bleeding, and infections. Always seek veterinary help for draining.

When to Visit the Vet

  • Large Hematomas: Require professional drainage, sutures, or other medical procedures.
  • Symptoms of Distress: If your dog shows signs of pain, head shaking, or hot head, consult a vet immediately.
  • Recurring Hematomas: May need surgical intervention to prevent future occurrences.


Will Hot Compresses Help With The Hematoma?

  • Yes, hot compresses can provide temporary relief but are not a long-term solution. Combine them with anti-inflammatory medications and natural balms until you see a vet.

Should I Massage My Dog’s Hematoma?

  • Only massage if recommended by your vet. Massaging alone won’t make the hematoma go away and might cause pain.

Do Hematomas Ever Go Away On Their Own?

  • Small hematomas might reabsorb naturally, but larger ones require veterinary attention to prevent complications like tissue scarring or ear canal blockage.


Dog ear hematomas can be managed at home with natural remedies like witch hazel, arnica, yarrow, leeches (under vet supervision), and compresses. However, professional veterinary care is essential for large or recurring hematomas to ensure proper treatment and avoid complications. Always monitor your dog’s condition and consult your vet for the best course of action.