Increased collagen production and reduced inflammation can both be achieved with cold therapy.

As I watched people leave the private area one by one, their fears gradually vanished as they smiled brightly and had hot cheeks.

I wasn’t sure if I would like cryotherapy, a health trend made popular by celebrities like Daniel Craig and Jennifer Aniston, because the idea of walking into temperatures of -100 C made me feel cold when I’m already struggling to stay warm in front of the fire in the winter.

I had never heard of cryotherapy before attending an event with Vitamin Well, who had just introduced four non-carbonated low-calorie beverages packed with vitamins and minerals to the UK, but I was pleasantly surprised by the results.

In cryotherapy chambers, also referred to as cold therapy, liquid nitrogen is used to cool the air around you and trigger physiological responses in the body.

The chambers at UNTIL have a temperature range of -85oC to -110oC and can hold people for up to 2-3 minutes. When you enter the chamber, your blood rushes to shield your internal organs, and when you leave, fresh blood rushes back to your extremities, offering a plethora of health advantages.

Before entering the chambers, take off any jewelry you may be wearing, and make sure your clothes and hair are dry to reduce any discomfort.

You can expose as much skin as you’re comfortable with in swimsuits, underwear, or sports bras and shorts. As you can imagine, this makes for a very attractive uniform because you are provided with a face mask, socks, quilted shoes, gloves, and ear muffs to cover areas of your body that are at risk of becoming too cold.

What are the benefits of cryotherapy?
In addition to supporting collagen growth, reducing inflammation, assisting in weight loss, and, my personal favorite, enhancing sleep, cold therapy also lifts the spirits by releasing endorphins.

So, whether you want to maintain a toned physique with a higher metabolism (each session is thought to burn up to 800 calories), recover from an injury by increasing the amount of oxygenated blood in your tissues, or do both, the few minutes spent in the freezing cold are well worth it.

Who are the famous people who vouch for cryotherapy?

Given its many advantages, we are not surprised that the celebrity world has embraced the health fad. Jennifer Aniston told Shape, “I just recently tried cryotherapy when I was having some injuries and I was amazed. Those three minutes felt like four years in the beginning, but I have to admit that they were very helpful.

“I’ve suffered every imaginable type of injury. She once said, “When you abuse your body as much as I have by jogging and down-dogging, it ultimately tells you to bug out!” And, judging by her youthful complexion, we can assume the other perks were appreciated as well.

Emma Willis has said that cryotherapy is “really invigorating,” Carol Vorderman has said that cryotherapy tanks are “good for everything,” Daniel Craig has said that cryotherapy has helped him stay in shape while playing James Bond.

Take a cue from Joe Wicks and Gemma Atkinson, who have ice baths in their gardens, if you’re not sure you want to commit to a trip to the chambers and the associated £95 per session.

The celebrity endorsements speak for themselves, but after just one session, it’s hard to say with certainty that I’ve reaped the full benefits. It was, in my opinion, the best sleep I’ve ever had.

After what I can only describe as a post-workout high, I felt energized for a few hours (probably helped by my Vitamin Well Recover drink, which contains magnesium, folic acid, and vitamin B12) before my body was completely relaxed. That’s nine hours of uninterrupted sleep in a chilly two minutes.