Jase and Missy Robertson kept exposing the public to their family even after Duck Dynasty ended. Their daughter Mia, who was born with a cleft lip and palate, is the subject of frequent updates from them.

As a result of her illness, Mia, who is now 17 years old, has undergone numerous surgeries. On Wednesday, March 17, she underwent “the most extensive surgery she’s ever had,” according to Missy.

 In a post about his daughter Mia, Jase Robertson notes that she is “Hanging Tough” following surgery.

In 2014, when she was ten years old, Mia went to her parents and asked how they could assist other children with cleft lips and palates. So, with that particular objective in mind, they established the nonprofit Mia Moo Fund.

The particulars of Mia’s most recent surgery are covered in a post from January 31 on the Mia Moo Instagram. Her upper and lower jaws needed to be broken on opposite sides in order for them to “meet in the middle.”. ”.

 In a post about his daughter Mia, Jase Robertson notes that she is “Hanging Tough” following surgery.

According to the article, “This surgery is in hopes that Mia’s teeth and jaws will function normally in terms of chewing and speaking because her upper jaw stopped growing some years ago. After healing, she will also appear very differently.

The day before Mia’s major surgery, Missy and Jase urged their supporters to remember her in their prayers.

“Thank you for your continued prayers for our family and for Mia’s health and happiness. We are so blessed to have so many people who care about her,” Missy wrote. She said Mia’s operation was scheduled to start at 10:30 and last for about five hours.

Fortunately, Missy and Jase were both able to visit Mia on the day of her procedure at the hospital. While Missy has been quiet on social media, Jase has occasionally updated the public on Mia’s health.

 In a post about his daughter Mia, Jase Robertson notes that she is “Hanging Tough” following surgery.

Mia’s procedure began at 11:45 AM, which was a little later than expected, according to a previous post by Jase. He asserted that throughout the procedure Mia made jokes with the doctors and nurses and didn’t appear to be under any stress. Jase confirmed Missy’s earlier claim that Mia’s operation would “take a long while. ”.

Jase then joined in with yet another update. Additionally, it contains wonderful news!

Jase stated that Mia is doing well after the six-hour procedure. As he and Missy visited Mia just before her surgery, he posted a photo of them together and wrote, “We got to see Mia and, true to form, she is hanging tough after a 6-hour surgery. ”.

 In a post about his daughter Mia, Jase Robertson notes that she is “Hanging Tough” following surgery.

Mia is currently nodding off in the ICU, “as planned. It is heartening to learn that the medical professionals “feel really good about the procedure,'” as Jase put it.

As he concluded his post, he thanked all of his followers for remembering Mia in their prayers.
We can sense God’s presence and recognize His power at work as Christians, he exclaimed.”.

Read the complete update on Mia’s procedure from Jase down below.
We will keep her in our prayers as she recovers!