I’ve heard of some creative training methods for dogs, but the police force over in Ontario, Canada definitely has one of the most creative ones.
Their K-9 unit is professionally trained to be friendly to others, but also to be obedient and to jump into action when needed.
The training is quite lengthy, spanning over 2 years of effort after which the dogs graduate to their respective roles.
However, the key aspect that they need to learn is patience, especially when having to deal with more rambunctious individuals like children or overly energetic people or animals.
Panicking in loud and chaotic situations can also make a major difference in the field which is why a patience test is one of the final exams for K-9 dogs.
Training Through Musical Attendance
The interesting part with the Ontario, Canada K-9 division is that these pups got trained by attending a musical.
They all get seated in their chairs or under the feet of their assigned partners or handlers and are told to stay put throughout the entire musical.
This particular batch of students managed to perform surprisingly well as they all remained relatively calm throughout the ordeal.
A few fidgeted around due to all the commotion and wanted to see, but they didn’t do anything too drastic that would cause them to fail.
For their good behavior, they even got a little photo op when it was all finished up.
A New Batch Of K-9 Recruits Enters The Fray

To no surprise, they passed with flying colors and are now out in the field, serving their country.
They certainly deserve it as we all know how stressed dogs can get when having to deal with loud noises, and we hope that they end up having a successful and stress free career.
This story does, however, show us just how creative canine training can be, and, as long as it works, it’s beneficial.
Hopefully, if you’re having problems getting your pupper to behave, this story helps inspire you to think a bit outside the box. Until next time.