You will be late. Everyone does their job, prepares for the day and makes sure all scheduled tasks are completed. Carla Stowe was hoping for a pleasant evening at home. But hopes and dreams are just… plans!
Miss Fate had something else in store for him that evening. While doing this, Carla noticed that her dog was acting strangely. They ignored his orders and persistently tried to show him the garden. They looked like they wanted to tell him something.
Carla couldn’t stand their behavior for a second, so she took the dogs for a walk. What they all went through really traumatized them.
Standing in the middle of their garden, in the middle of the dark…
What is hidden in your heart?
dog trapped in a box

As the light from Carla’s lantern illuminated the garden, she noticed something was wrong.
It didn’t have a yellow box. He left nothing in the garden.
Someone must have taken it and left it there!
When the president of Baby Gunn’s Animal Rescue in Paris, Texas, approached the box, he thought it might apply to his organization. He hoped and prayed that it would not be such a tragedy.
Carla heard a loud thump of the coffin and some noise, but she couldn’t make out what it was. As the light shone from behind the tape she had placed to keep the casket closed, sad eyes appeared that looked straight into Carla’s soul.
It was a dog!
“His head was down, but I could hear the constant thumping of his tail,” Stowe said.
Carla quickly cut open the tape and the ziplocks that were holding the crate shut, and the newcomer popped out.
“When I realized it was a Pitbull, my heart sank,” Stowe said.
It wasn’t the fact that someone left a dog in her yard that shocked Carla.
It was the fact that someone abandoned a dog, and left it locked in a crate, all secured with ziplocks and duct tape so he couldn’t escape!
What kind of world do we live in?
What kind of human would do this to another living being?
The poor pup had luck to end up in Carla’s yard. I can’t even imagine what would have happened to him if that monster had left him in an abandoned yard, or even worse, in a yard of someone who hates animals.
The gorgeous pup was indeed a beautiful black and white Pitbull. He was named RD and Carla took him right to Baby Gunn’s animal shelter in Paris, Texas.

Slowly, but steadily, RD was warming up to the shelter and its residents.
Once he’s ready, I’m pawsitive Baby Gunn’s will find him a loving home with someone who appreciates all dogs no matter if they’re Pitbulls or not.
According to WAF’s recent statistics, Pitbulls are one of those severely endangered breeds. PETA says they’re the world’s most abused dogs! WAF also says Pitbulls are hated by 25% of U.S. citizens.
And, that’s just too sad and too devastating.
Let’s hope and pray there are no more cases like RD’s ever again.