I’m always the first to admit I don’t enjoy spending time in the kitchen, but I’m thinking these hacks to make becoming a foodie will help. These innovative ideas will blow your mind, from organizing to cleaning to extending the shelf life of your food!

To hang your kitchen towel while it dries, use a shower curtain hook.

Kitchen Hacks You’ve Never Seen

Put a few marshmallows in the bag of brown sugar to prevent it from hardening.

To keep everything organized and simple to access, place a lazy susan under the sink.

Click the image to learn the secret trick to making your stove top sparkle and shine with nothing more than baking soda and wet rags!

Using parchment paper to create a toaster bag will make it simple to make a grilled cheese sandwich.

Your refrigerator shelves can be lined with Press n Seal wrap, which can be easily removed whenever they become soiled.

With ease, quickly clean your glass stove of all that grime.

Kitchen Hacks You’ve Never Seen

Use an empty water bottle to separate the egg whites from the yolks. What a brilliant idea!

Plastic wrap and aluminum foil can be stored inside a cabinet on a magazine rack.

Try this amazing automatic opener if, like me, you struggle to pry those annoying jars open.

Using baking soda, clean a soiled dishwasher. This really works well!

For the ideal way to store spices, recycle tic tac containers!

Kitchen Hacks You’ve Never Seen

With the help of velcro, you can stop your kitchen towel from slipping off the stove handle every time.

Use a binder clip or a hair clip if you run out of chip clips!

There are numerous items you can clean in the dishwasher, including baby dolls and car mats.

Scrub your kitchen sink with a half of a lemon to make it shine.

Using an envelope will work if you don’t have a funnel.

Kitchen Hacks You’ve Never Seen

Put a paper towel on top of your salad to help absorb moisture and keep it fresher for longer!

Add a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to the water before boiling the eggs to make peeling them easier.

As the ideal transportable cold pack for lunches, freeze a sponge and put it in a plastic bag.

Try this rolling-pin trick if you’ve forgotten to soften some butter and are in a hurry.