Dogs are our best friends, but it’s even harder to say goodbye when they’re work friends. This is the story of Tommy, a German Shepherd K9 who worked for the Ohio Department of Health for seven years. After years of impeccable service, Tommy had to be euthanized while battling aggressive cancer. How law enforcement in Ohio received it…

K9 German Shepherd Tommy was euthanized after 7 years of service

Jeremy Berger of the Department of National Resources said his final goodbyes to Tommy, a German Shepherd who had been a good companion to his handler for seven years. Unfortunately, this K9 was dealing with an aggressive form of cancer that was incurable. Because he was in so much pain that he could no longer do even simple activities with the dog, Jeremy decided to euthanize him. However, his impeccable work and many years of work did not go unnoticed. Law enforcement in Ohio decided to pay Tommy a final tribute with a K9. They waited outside the Blanchard Valley Veterinary Clinic to meet this amazing K9. It was a very emotional moment for everyone, especially Jeremy and his family. After being euthanized, Tommy was placed on a stretcher with a flag hanging from the car.

The officers and their dogs stood and observed a moment of silence to pay their respects to their colleagues.

Jeremy and his family are devastated.

Jeremy and his family said their final goodbyes to Tommy. The last time they saw him, they were all in shock. When they broke up, their last call was on the radio.

“You have been a loyal partner to 3280, Officer Tommy. Thank you for being a good kid and protecting your partner and the citizens of Ohio. Time is up. relax comfortably You’re gone but never forgotten.”

Rest in peace, Tommy

Ohio police officers affected by emotional separation. Tommy’s time was up and they had tears in their eyes.

Tommy was another K9 dog who gave his all for the American people. His service will never be forgotten and His name will forever remain in our hearts. Rest up, Tommy! You were a good boy!