There’s been a lot of talk in the dog behavior world lately about a strange phenomenon called Littermate Syndrome.

You might think it’s a good idea to adopt two dogs from the same litter at the same time, but many people are unaware of this syndrome and the unique challenges associated with raising sibling litters.

Understanding Canine Litter Syndrome

Two puppies are resting
According to the K9 Behavior Services website, littermate syndrome (also known as sibling or sibling aggression) is “a non-scientific term that refers to a set of behavioral problems that often occur when canine relatives are raised in the same household “.

This syndrome can also occur in other animals.

Basically, if you raise two puppies together (siblings from the same litter or puppies of the same age), they can form a very strong bond that can eventually lead to a lot of behavior problems. Generally, this is fine for puppies, but according to some dog trainers, behaviorists, and some dog owners, this intense bonding can actually hinder each puppy’s individual development and socialization.

According to Garrett Wing of the American Standard Dog Training Association, a professional dog trainer with over 20 years of experience, dogs with Rittermatt syndrome form strong bonds with each other, not with you or their humans. [one]

This can cause many problems, including learning difficulties, separation anxiety and motor problems.

When dogs bond in this way, they learn to interact with each other, but you don’t become part of the pack. This means that the dogs will not look to you for direction or guidance. It can also cause severe separation anxiety. But not with you, but with each other. This means they will never know how they function and live without each other. Eventually, dogs with Rittermate syndrome become wilder, more difficult to control and train, and sometimes more aggressive.

Although this will not happen in every case of raising sibling puppies, it is recommended to new dog owners to become familiar with this, just in case. 

As an old saying goes, it is always better to prevent than to cure. 

Effective Strategies For Treating And Managing Littermate Syndrome 

Many professional trainers actually advise against bringing home two dogs from the same litter or that are around the same age because of a high chance of developing this kind of syndrome. 

However, if you have already adopted two pups like this, there are some things that you can do in order to prevent or manage Littermate Syndrome. 

First and foremost, it’s essential that you are aware of the potential risks and do extensive research on this topic. 

Professional dog trainers and behaviorists may help you understand all the causes, effects, and managing styles better, so if you have the opportunity, I highly recommend speaking with one. 

If your dogs have already developed this syndrome, a dog trainer will be necessary in managing and developing a tailored plan for treating your puppies. 

So, how exactly can you prevent Littermate Syndrome from developing? 

Well, it could be difficult and a lot of work, but two puppies should be separated as much as possible. 

Each puppy should get its own crate, individual attention, and training sessions. Try to have as much one-on-one time with each puppy as possible. This should include separate walking sessions, separate feeding time, separate playtime, and even separate socialization sessions. 

This allows each puppy to develop its own social skills, independence, and personality. They will be less dependent on each other, and hopefully, much more manageable in the long run. 

As with any kind of training, preventing and treating Littermate Syndrome requires patience and consistency, so don’t give up. 

Final Thoughts 

While there is limited scientific research that is specifically focused on this syndrome, it is definitely not something that should be ignored altogether. 

A lot of times, it takes time for scientific research to catch up with new experiences and real-life observations, but there are many professional opinions and experiences that shed light on this rather unknown phenomenon. 

Nonetheless, scientific studies will be necessary in the future to fully comprehend the potential dangers of raising sibling puppies together. 

Have you ever encountered something like this before, or do you own two littermates? We would love to hear your experiences.