The gifted singer Lizzo has yet again had to deal with offensive comments about her body on social media. Despite previously speaking out against body shaming, the disparaging remarks still exist. Lizzo responded by addressing the damage these remarks had caused on her social media.

A tweet with a performance video by Lizzo served as the catalyst for the entire situation. In spite of her engaging stage presence, the tweet speculated about her eating habits and questioned how she could still be “THIS fat.”. This sparked a barrage of unfavorable remarks, with one person joking that she frequently consumes fast food. Lizzo was overwhelmed by the criticism and felt compelled to reply.

Lizzo Says She’s Tired of Seeing All the Rude Comments About Her Body and Has a Powerful Message to Share

Lizzo expressed her annoyance, saying that she is starting to lose faith in the world because she has to deal with this nonsense on a daily basis. She disputed the notion that she ate fast food, pointing out that she had given it up long ago. Lizzo grew weary of having to explain herself all the time and of having her name brought up in these unpleasant conversations.

Lizzo clarified that she is not attempting to change her body in response to a remark that suggested her body size is an integral part of her brand. Simply put, she just wants to be healthy. Lizzo emphasized that even though she consumes healthy foods and exercises frequently, her body still appears the way it does.

Lizzo Says She’s Tired of Seeing All the Rude Comments About Her Body and Has a Powerful Message to Share

Lizzo kept complaining that people were talking about things she had no knowledge of, and she acknowledged that she was tempted to give up and live her life and her relationship in a more private setting. She has previously addressed body shaming on TikTok, calling attention to the draining conversation surrounding bodies and highlighting the idea that artists shouldn’t be expected to adhere to beauty standards. This is not the first time she has spoken out against it.

Lizzo is content with her size and has no interest in sacrificing her own happiness to make others happy. She considers her own body to be a work of art and will do whatever she wants with it. She wishes that critical remarks had a monetary price so that people would realize how much time was wasted on unproductive activities.

Lizzo’s story is one of tenacity and acceptance of oneself. She deserves respect for accepting her body and resisting pressure from society.