Every dog ​​deserves the warmth and comfort of a loving home. They need our unconditional love and protection to thrive. It is unfortunate that there are so many cases of insensitive dog owners abandoning their dogs in dangerous places. The cubs try to fend for themselves and survive in the hope that their family will return. Two heart-and-soul best friends struggle to survive after being abandoned on the highway. After being abandoned by their families, they found comfort in each other.

Help is coming soon

The dog is in the meadow with his master

The two best friends were inseparable until one day Gene was hit by a car on a freeway in St. Louis. Seeing that his beloved friend was hurt, Heart became very anxious and started barking. A group of people gathered around them.

Donna Lohmann, chief rescue officer at Stray Rescue in St. Louis, he happened to be driving on that highway. He was going to the shelter. As soon as he saw the accident, he stopped and tried to find a way to help the dogs. Increased heart palpitations.

“She was barking at people and being protective. She wasn’t being aggressive, but she was letting people know that that was her friend, he was hurt and she was keeping an eye on him,” said Lochmann.

The rescuer carefully approached Heart, and after putting a leash on her, she took her to her car. After she secured Heart, Lochmann gently carried Soul and placed him into the back.

They were on their way to the shelter, and the worried pup kept checking on her injured friend.

Saying Goodbye

After they arrived at the shelter, Heart refused to leave Soul’s side.

“She watched and would kind of keep an eye on the vet,” Lochmann said.

Unfortunately, the X-rays showed that Soul’s injuries were far more serious than they had thought. The shelter staff and the vet team were heartbroken because they couldn’t do anything for him.

They let his best friend come into the room to be by his side as he crossed the rainbow bridge. When Heart entered the room and saw Soul, it seemed as if she understood everything.

“She laid with her head on him, like she was hugging him goodbye. As he went peacefully, she was right there,” Lochmann said.

Seeing Heart saying goodbye to Soul left all of the shelter staff members brokenhearted.

They were determined to do everything in their power to comfort Heart and help her overcome her grief.

Her caregivers gave her a much-needed bath, and let her have some rest. They gave her a lot of love and attention, stroking her and trying to comfort her.

Soulmates Will Always Be Together

Deeply moved by Heart’s strong connection to Soul, the shelter staff found a way to keep the soulmates together.

They attached a pendant with Soul’s ashes to Heart’s collar. The keepsake also had a golden wing as a symbol of Soul’s presence in her life. He is her guardian angel who will look after her from doggy heaven.

Heart didn’t stay long at the shelter in St. Louis, and she soon went to foster care. Her foster family knew how to console her, showering her with love and affection.

Heart Starts A New Life

On January 31, in 2023, the rescue was thrilled to announce that Heart found her forever family. Heart’s story resonated with her new parents because they went through the same heartbreak after one of their dogs, Cheyenne, passed away.

They fell in love with Heart, and were convinced that they were the perfect fit.

The family’s dog, Bo, was happy to welcome Heart into their home. He knew exactly how she felt since he also lost his best friend.

Heart’s parents believed that she was meant for them, and they healed each other’s emotional scars.

They adore her, and Bo became Heart’s loyal companion. Both pups love spending time with their parents’ grandsons.

Heart leads a happy life. She loves snuggling with her family and doing zoomies. The faithful pup will never forget her best friend, Soul, and she still has the pendant with his ashes attached to her collar.