It takes a big heart and a lot of love to make your home a safe place for rescues!
Dina and her husband Eric have long since adopted not one, but eleven homeless animals!
You heard right!
Their home is actually run by rescuers and they love it! Sometimes keeping multiple personalities together is never easy, but this adorable family loves the pros!
Dinah, Eric and the house are full of love.
two dogs cat and pig

Eric and Dina’s home is always full of love for animals. The couple has adopted over 50 dogs to date, but they’re not stopping there!
I currently live with six dogs, four cats and a pig named Lou. Their undying love for animals has made it their life’s mission to rescue abandoned animals.
“For me, it’s our responsibility to make sure they’re safe and they’re cared for,” says Dina.
Even though their home is buzzing with different temperaments, that has never been a problem for Eric and Dina! Alongside their two little girls, their rescue animals make their life filled with joy and happiness, and they just make room for everyone!
The Greatest Dad In The World

Yes, they both take care of their pets equally, but it just seems that Eric’s the one who makes their hearts skip a beat! He’s a softy in the house and he lets everyone do whatever they please!
“The cats will steal food off of his plate and he just lets it happen. They all know to just sit and wait and everyone gets their turn,” says Dina.
He always lets everyone sleep in the bed with him or lie with him in the hammock!
He’s the one who gives them bubble baths and cuddles with them everywhere around the house… and when they’re outside – he doesn’t mind casually lying on the ground with them if it means quality playtime!
And, in return – everyone reciprocates! According to Dina, all doggos, cats, and even Lou seek their dad’s attention.
“They all want his attention so, so much! As soon as he gets in the hammock, they are like: ‘My dad’s in the hammock!’ “
They’re always around him, following him everywhere he goes, and they never let go!
The fun part is that with her dad boosting her confidence – Lou feels like a regular member of the pack, too! Even though she only cuddles and shares her bed with their dog, Scoobs, she regularly spends time together with the rest of the pack.
Passing On The Values To The Little Ones
For Eric and Dina – taking care of animals is a virtue valuable for passing on to their daughters. They have been teaching them since forever to be respectful of every single animal they meet.
“We love teaching the kids to be respectful of the animals. They know the animals deserve just as much love and compassion as we give to another human being,” says Dina.
With such wonderful and caring parents, there’s no doubt that the girls will definitely follow in their footsteps!
You can keep up with Eric, Dina, and their family on their official Instagram – House No Rules – and enjoy their pawfect little adventures!