If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had a lot of those moments when you were in the perfect spot at the perfect time to see something you really weren’t expecting, but it’s likely that nothing you’ve ever seen or done can quite compare to the bravery of a man by the name of Ron Nessman.

A startling video went viral earlier this week (Monday, May 1) showing a baby stroller – with baby inside – rolling towards a busy highway in Hesperia, California. The baby’s caregiver, who is reportedly a great aunt, is seen falling over while attempting to chase the stroller in the heart-stopping video, leaving her helpless on the ground as the stroller rolls towards disaster. The aforementioned Ron, who was fortunate to be nearby for a job interview, sprang into action and made one of the saves of the century.

Man who lived homeless for years saves baby in stroller from rolling onto busy highway at the last second

Until recently, when he moved in with his sister Donna, Ron, it is said, he was a longtime homeless person. He has since started looking for employment, and while en route to a job interview, he found himself in the midst of a crisis. The moment Ron noticed the stroller moving toward the busy highway filled with cars, he had to make a quick decision. Ron told a nearby news station, “I knew I could get it and I got it. And I’m glad about that because, if I weren’t there, I really wouldn’t want to see the outcome. ”.

Man who lived homeless for years saves baby in stroller from rolling onto busy highway at the last second

Ron offered his sympathies to the mother who was watching the baby and insisted that she did everything in her power to grab the stroller. She made every effort to stand up, according to Nessman. She was still shocked and crying when I got to her because her knees were bleeding. Regarding the actual rescue, Ron told KTLA 5: “I saw the stroller was heading toward the traffic and I instinctively ran towards the stroller and dove before it went into the traffic and there was a child inside the stroller.

“I felt fortunate to be in the right place at the right time. It goes without saying that after being posted to social media, the video of Ron’s daring rescue quickly became popular. Watch the rescue in the video below:. Many commenters found it hard to believe what they were seeing, but most agreed that Ron is a hero.

All throughout watching that clip, my heart was in my mouth. It’s a good thing Ron was there to stop what undoubtedly would have been a true tragedy.

If you were equally as shocked by the video footage, share this article on Facebook. And if you agree that Ron deserves all the praise coming his way.