A Grand Canyon Rescue Mission

As Zack was filling up his car with gas in Arizona, he witnessed a curious sight—a dog darting past him with a paper bag in her mouth, heading straight for the Grand Canyon. Concerned for the dog’s safety, Zack attempted to approach her, but she remained elusive.

Determined to Help

Unable to leave the dog to fend for herself, Zack made the decision to follow her into the canyon. Returning with his camper, he resolved to stay as long as necessary to rescue her. Despite efforts from local rescues, including treats and traps, the clever dog evaded capture.

A Risky Pursuit

On the fourth day of his vigil, Zack observed the dog fleeing down into the canyon after being startled by a passing car. Utilizing a drone, he tracked her movements and spotted her distinctive tail amid the rugged terrain. To his surprise, she eventually entered a trap, signaling a newfound trust in Zack.

Finding a Forever Home

With the dog—now named Haseya—safely captured, Zack ensured she received proper veterinary care before introducing her to his existing pets. Contrary to his concerns, Haseya quickly bonded with Zack’s cat, Jack, taking on a nurturing role. Similarly, her introduction to Zack’s other dog, Marble, was seamless, resulting in an instant friendship.

A Tail-Wagging Miracle

Haseya’s transformation from a wary canyon wanderer to a cherished member of Zack’s household is nothing short of miraculous. Her perpetual smile and wagging tail are testament to the love and warmth she has found in her new home, surrounded by humans—and furry friends—who adore her unconditionally.