As a lifelong dog owner, one of my biggest regrets is not being able to help my furry friend before he died.

I loved him with all my heart and wanted him to live a long and fulfilling life with his family, but the universe had other ideas and it wasn’t meant to be. Dogs are particularly delicate animals and require a lot of care and attention to keep them healthy even as adults. Therefore, it is very rare for dogs to live more than 20 years. The dog we talk about in this story is one of those rare examples of how much a loving family can do to make a pet’s life better and more satisfying, even in old age.

Meet Augie

Auggie’s birthday

Augie, a golden retriever from Tennessee, turned 20 in August 2020. This was confirmed to be cause for great celebration and the family threw a big party for the dog and his closest siblings. Their mom made carrot cake for the dogs and they loved it. He currently holds the title of the oldest Golden Retriever in the history of his breed, and the family made sure everyone knew about it.

Few Golden Retrievers live to be 18 or 19 years old, and some Augies live to be 20 years old. The oldest dog is Auggie

Although he suffered from kidney disease in his old age, he remained relatively healthy, although not as playful and mobile as before.

According to his family, he still enjoyed walks in the garden and sometimes played with his brothers.

A life full of anxiety and worry

an old dog named Auggie

Augie lived happily ever after, but it wasn’t always that way.

He was a rescue dog and had a lot of trouble finding a loving family as two families gave him up before he could find a forever home. His life was hard, but everything worked out in the end. His owners, Steve and Jennifer Hetterscheidt, took him in and he spent the rest of his life with them and his new canine siblings. Augie adapted quickly and repeatedly showed how much he loved his new family.

He spent most of his time fetching objects or playing with his furry siblings. His family went on many amazing trips which he absolutely loved.

very sad news
old dog

Some time passed and before I turned 21, my health deteriorated and I could no longer continue. Augie crossed the Rainbow Bridge on March 31, 2021, his family said. “I am very sad to announce the passing of Miss Augie,” Jennifer said on Instagram. Augie said his little body couldn’t take it anymore, he was very tired and could let go.

Sherman, who died in January, was at the Rainbow Bridge and was greeted with all kinds of gestures, including the gestures he was making on the ground, wagging his tail and licking his face. Despite the difficulties in his final moments, Auggie lived a relatively long and happy life with his family who loved him dearly and shared many wonderful memories with him.

It’s amazing to see how much we can do to help our little furry friends not only extend their lives, but make friends full of love and warm moments.