Having a Great Dane in your home means a lot of fun. These large dogs are natural athletes, friendly and always ready to please. Many people think that their sturdy bodies make them difficult to care for, but the truth is that Great Danes are basically nothing if not great entertainers!

But Enzo…the Great Dane from Quebec, Canada is something different! In addition to his great family qualities and friendly personality, this 150 pound black boy is practically Batman!

Enzo is the defender of his home in Quebec

Great Danes are essentially black

Enzo, now officially known as “Batdog”, is a black dog with erect ears and shiny fur who is fiercely protective of his family! His home in Quebec symbolizes his personal city of Gotham, which he always wants to protect.

But, other than that – Enzo is such a great boy! After all… he’s a Great Dane!

He Only Wants To Cuddle And Play

Many people who see Enzo for the first time think of him as a scary, Batman-like dog. However, once they get to know him, they realize he’s nothing but a sweet, loving boy eager to play at all times.

According to Danny, Enzo’s dad, he just loves cuddling with the family, which practically makes him a giant Teddy bear.

He’s very friendly to strangers and other dogs that he meets. However, his all-time favorite hoomans are small kids! When Danny and his wife first had a baby, Enzo took his role of being a brother very seriously.  

“The beast is now a big brother. I’m impressed by his ability to feel people around,” wrote Danny, on Instagram.

He’s a very intuitive dog that takes such good care of his baby sister. But, she’s not the only one that he feels obligated to protect. Whenever he sees a baby on the street, he intuitively transforms into a big brother!

One day, when he was out with Danny, he saw a drunk man walking with a kid. He immediately barked as if he knew that the kid wasn’t treated properly. Even though he doesn’t have any parenting experience nor is he a service dog, Enzo naturally behaves like one!

He’s A Local Celebrity

Now, it’s official – Enzo’s a local superstar! Over forty thousand people follow his adventures on his official Instagram account, but that’s not the only reason why he is so popular!

Whenever he’s out on a walk with his parents in Quebec, Canada, people approach him to take a picture or to pet him. And, even though he’s Batman, he can’t go back to being Bruce Wayne in order to avoid all the attention.

But, that’s not a problem for Enzo, as he just enjoys being famous!

Still, at the end of the day, his hoomans are all that matters! Enzo, the Batman to his own little family, is a loyal dog that loves spending his time with Danny and the girls more than anything else.