Groceries can get pricey, especially if you’re feeding a big family. However, what if there was a way to practically cut your shopping expenses in half while also benefiting the environment?

There certainly seems to be.
The solution is in a program called Flashfood. Additionally, as one mom demonstrates in a recent TikTok video, it’s a remarkably easy and effective way to stock your fridge and freezer while saving a ton of money.

According to the author, “DIY/Gardening/Homesteading/Foodprep/Momlife” encompasses these activities. As TikToker Dominique Raether (@homesteadingfor3) recently showed her followers, it really couldn’t be any simpler.

Due to a collaboration between Flashfood and grocery stores, food that is about to expire can be sold for up to 50% less. Users only need to click on anything they want to purchase after searching for it. Any inventory the retailers have to get rid of will be listed on the app by them.

In her video, the Tik-Tok user says, “My mind is overwhelmed by how many different things I got today. She then proceeds to show off her bounty, which consists of two pork tenderloins, a bag of bagels, 12 chicken breasts, and 14 smoked pork chops. “Approximately $55 for the total, please.”. “.

So I’m going to freeze everything, Dominique declares. After that, I’ll just let it thaw as I need it, and I’ll have a lot less expensive meals,” she added.

Food waste is a significant problem worldwide, but it is particularly problematic in the United States, where it is estimated that between 30 and 40 percent of the food supply is wasted.

Furthermore, grocery stores are a major contributor to this problem, as they account for 13% of all food waste in the US. In addition, wasting food produces a lot of waste because it ends up in a landfill, where it emits a lot of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.

The issue is exacerbated by the habitual expectation of American consumers to always have access to a wide selection of extremely fresh goods. High customer expectations for freshness cause businesses to toss out safe, edible food because they believe it to be past its prime, claims the NGO ReFED. “.

By using an app like Flashfood and being a little laxer than the average consumer about approaching expiration dates, you can therefore purchase perfectly decent, safe, edible food at a significant discount that is advantageous to both your wallet and the environment.

They were eager to get the app for themselves as they followed Dominique.

I adore Flashfood, says one commenter. I do it as well.
My freezer is full.