Ashley Boggs, a dedicated dog rescuer, views saving dogs as her life mission. Driving down a forest road in Puerto Rico, she encountered a brown canine desperately seeking help from passing cars. Unlike typical strays, this dog’s behavior indicated urgency, as if she had something crucial to convey.

A Mother’s Cry for Help

Stepping out of her car, Ashley discovered the dog was a nursing mother, now named Goji, frantically seeking aid for her newborn puppies. Left alone in the woods without sustenance, Goji was fighting to survive alongside her vulnerable family. For Ashley, it was a call to action.

The Rescue Operation

Assisted by Miracles for Satos Rescue, Ashley embarked on a mission to save Goji and her pups. Initially finding three pups, she persevered, eventually locating all seven hidden in the wooded area. With determination and compassion, Ashley ensured they were safely transported to the facility for much-needed care.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

Under the care of Miracles for Satos Rescue, Goji and her pups received the attention they desperately required. Hungry and in need of a fresh start, they found refuge in a foster home where they began socializing and learning essential puppy manners. Goji, in particular, proved to be affectionate and loving, despite her harrowing ordeal.

A Bright Future

With newfound safety and security, Goji blossomed into a sweet and loving companion, bringing joy to everyone around her. Named after berries they were found near, the puppies – Raspberry, Blueberry, Gooseberry, Cloudberry, Blackberry, and Strawberry – all found loving forever homes. Goji’s journey from desperation to contentment serves as a testament to the transformative power of rescue and compassion.