This is a tale of second chances and the strength of love. Additionally, it demonstrates that neither of them has ever lost hope. The dog in this tale had a difficult early life. His owners disliked him and cast him out to live outside. He had a muzzle and was chained. The love and company for which he yearned were not present. And the only time his owners ever paid attention to him was to mistreat him. The town authorities took no action after complaints from neighbors to the local animal control services. The only thing the neighbors could do was to act independently and save the dog, which they did. The dog was adopted by a loving family and given a brand-new life thanks to the heroic efforts of a few kind people.
His only transgression was being a dog, according to the Animal Advocates Society. Evidently, that was sufficient for his owners to treat him in a way that no animal should ever be treated. They chained him up outside their home and taped a duct tape muzzle to his mouth.
So what did he actually do? scratch at the door, says the Animal Advocates Society. He simply desired to be close to his family in order to shower them with all of the love that a dog can bestow. He was instead exiled by his owners to live by himself on their patio made of concrete. The dog’s will to live was damaged by the months and years of abuse and neglect.
He barked hysterically and charged at people if they approached, both of which were blatant indications that he had been beaten. He most likely would have been deemed unadoptable and put down if he had been taken to a pound.

Then, when nearby residents informed the neighborhood SPCA of the predicament, nothing happened. The puppy grew up to be a dejected adult dog as the years passed.
Finally, a few of the dog’s neighbors could no longer bear to see him being mistreated and abandoned, according to the Animal Advocates Society. In the dead of night, they managed to break the poor dog free from his backyard prison after deciding to save him.
Suddenly, the dog was saved, given a name—Alfie—and a caring home where he could finally lead the life that every dog deserves to lead.
Alfie was able to run, play, get belly rubs, and experience love for the first time in his life.Alfie’s chains and muzzle were no longer there, according to the Animal Advocates Society.
The joy of freedom was put in its place, says the Animal Advocates Society.
However, Alfie didn’t suddenly start to trust people.
A Only his devoted family’s love and support could undo the harm caused by years of abuse. At home, on walks, and in training sessions, they never stopped rehabilitating him.
Alfie kept getting better and blossoming right up until the end. Alfie was able to live out his long life as content as a dog can be thanks to his very special family!
I’m so happy Alfie was given a second chance at life and was able to spend so many joyous years with his family. At Dailywize we love animals and believe in treating them with the utmost respect.
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