Reading about good people who care about others enhances our lives. Even though it might seem as though people’s ability to empathize is dwindling, there are still those who are always willing to help.

In Huntington Woods, Michigan, on Interstate 696, what happened on the freeway and beneath a bridge left everyone perplexed and shocked.

While traffic on this route caused delays for drivers, they soon realized that the wait had been worthwhile when they noticed why 13 trailer trucks were parked side by side and blocking the road without moving an inch.

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Following a tip from State Trooper Michael Shaw about a person who was prepared to jump off the bridge to end his or her life, the truck drivers arrived to offer assistance. Brilliant Shaw quickly had a brilliant idea, but he needed assistance to make it happen, so he hurried to call a traffic officer and asked him to reroute the traffic.

The truckers were all eager to assist.

The trucks parked beneath the bridge covered the entire area beneath it, preventing the man from falling directly to the ground and preventing serious injury even if officials and experts couldn’t persuade him to change his mind.

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The story did have a happy ending because the man was taken off the bridge after four hours and received mental health support.

Even if it meant waiting a while, the truck drivers were always happy to assist.

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The existence of kindhearted people in the world makes us happy.

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