Lee Asher’s dream was to create a sanctuary where all abandoned and unwanted animals would feel protected, loved, and free.

This dream finally came true when he was able to purchase the Usher House, a large property in Estacada, Oregon, where all of the rescued animals now live. The heart and soul of this home has always been Lily, a St. Bernard dog that Lee rescued and brought back to life.

After spending eight years with her Lee, Lily sadly passed away, but she left her gift to the man who loved her most. Check out this amazing story.

The heart and soul of Maison Usher

Lily was found sleeping in a puddle on the road behind a trash can in the pouring rain. Animal control took her in without even knowing if she was alive.

They didn’t know exactly what was wrong with her, but she was very sick. While Lily was at an animal shelter in South Los Angeles, Lee Asher visited her every day and could see her losing her luster every day.

He wasn’t even allowed to adopt her or have her for three whole weeks, so her poor Lily slowly lost all her hopes. At the time, the House of Usher did not yet exist, but Lee continued to promise to save Lily in any way he could.

Three weeks later, Lee was finally able to adopt him.

Once he brought her home, he finally understood why Lillie was getting so sick – he found out she was having seizures all through the night. 

It was a long road to her recovery, mentally and financially, but luckily, after six months, she finally started feeling better. 

For eight long years, Lillie was Lee’s best friend and his one true companion through everything. She was truly the heart and soul of The Asher House… one dog that was there from the beginning, but sadly, in January 2024, Lillie passed away. 

While still struggling with the loss of his best friend, Lee received mail about a puppy that needed urgent rescue – the mail was sent on the same day that Lillie passed away. 

Reading the message, Lee couldn’t believe it… 

It was a little Saint Bernard puppy… just like Lillie. 

Meet Ranger 

“Right around the same time that Lillie passed away, I found about this dog through an email that we got. I just can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe I’m about to go pick up this dog,” Lee Asher said in his rescue video. 

The timing was insane. Just when he lost his beloved furry friend, he received a call about another St. Bernard puppy needing help. 

Lee was certain it was Lillie who had sent him this puppy. 

When he saw the puppy – later named Ranger – it was almost love at first sight. 

“Lillie was my light, and it was so dark when she left. But, of course, she left me light at the end of the tunnel, and that light was Ranger,” Lee said.  

Ranger is now an officially new member of the huge Asher family, and he will undoubtedly have the most amazing life.