Lucy Marie Perkins was unique from the start. She is one of every 48 million people. Lucy was the first child born to Caitlin and Tom Perkins.

Tom and Caitlin, a husband and wife who were both born on August 16, 1986, are both extraordinary people in their own right.

Caitlin Perkins had a party to celebrate turning 30 with her parents in attendance. She said she wanted to join in the fun 30 years later because she thought it wasn’t enough. On his Facebook page on Wednesday, her obstetrician, Dr. Brad Robinson, wrote, “You won’t believe this story.

This means that the baby, the mother, and the father all share the same birthday—a very unusual coincidence that happens once in every 48 million births. Lucy was born yesterday after going into spontaneous labor on the same day as her parents.

Once in 48 million cases

Both Caitlin and Tom, who are from Dirranbandi in South West Queensland, intended to attend their shared dinner for Caitlin’s 30th birthday. But that morning, Caitlin experienced labor, and she was taken to Brisbane’s Greenslopes Private Hospital.

Lucy, the newborn, decided she wanted to be born on the same day as her parents.

The expectant mother claimed that she was in denial when her waters broke and responded “No way” to the situation. The baby, who was a healthy 3 point 3 kilograms, defied the odds and was born on August 16 at 39 weeks and 6:45 p.m. m. Dr. Robinson has worked in the field for more than ten years, and it was one of his most memorable days.

“I’m fortunate enough to work a profession that permits me to take off on specific occasions,” he said. However, August 16th was extraordinary. “.

It’s not every day that you get a call at 2:15 with such exciting news. But at around 2:15 p. m. Caitlin had broken her waters, and the midwife had called to let me know. I was thrilled because I had been hoping the baby would also be born on the same day. “.

Every year on August 16th, the Perkins will throw a spectacular party. That is beyond dispute.

This appears to be very big. Do you know anyone who has their parents’ birthdays on the same day? If so, tell us about them in the comments section on Facebook and don’t forget to tell your friends about this amazing story.