All rescue dogs live in the hope that soon they will meet their forever parents who will hold them and make them feel loved. All puppies deserve this kind of love. Unfortunately, many rescue dogs are left disappointed because prospective adopters simply pass them by without even giving them a chance. Fangs appear invisible because they routinely go unnoticed. Even if they are ignored, they never lose hope that one day their forever parents will come and take them to their forever home.

Kylie is one of those wonderful protection dogs who knows exactly what it’s like to be let down and ignored over and over again. Kylie wants more than anything to have a chance. She longs to meet people who will give her the love she deserves.

kylie was sold

mother dog at shelter

Kylie once had a real home and a real family. She lived on a farm and her life seemed great to her. After she became pregnant, her family continued to care for her.

However, over time, it became clear that this adorable dog had difficulty conceiving and would require a C-section. Kylie’s family couldn’t afford it, so they decided to donate her to the Spokane Humane Society in Washington. They wanted their dog to receive the medical care it needed. Fortunately, Kylie gave birth to a beautiful, healthy puppy who ultimately found a wonderful home.

Meanwhile, Kylie remains at the orphanage, wondering why his parents abandoned him. He missed their love and hoped they would meet again.

The staff at the shelter were saddened because no one was interested in adopting this wonderful mother dog.

Moving To Another Shelter

Hoping that she would have better luck in another city, the Spokane shelter transferred her to the Benton-Franklin Humane Society, in Kennewick, Washington.

Julie, one of the volunteers at the Kennewick shelter, fell in love with the delightful pup. She tries to give her a lot of love and play with her as much as she can.

“I’ll sit in the kennel with her and she’ll sit with me. She likes getting pets. It’s tough for her because she doesn’t get as much people time as she would like,” Julie told GeoBeats Animals. 

Kylie, along with the other shelter residents, are happy when more volunteers come to the shelter to play with them. 

“She’s so excited, otherwise they are stuck in their kennels usually for around 22 hours a day,” Julie said.

As soon as she hears the shelter staff and volunteers approaching her kennel, Kylie greets them with a toy in her mouth. Her tail starts wagging and her beautiful eyes start sparkling with love. That’s her way of saying that she can’t wait to play with them.

Julie loves seeing Kylie smile. She often surprises her with a new toy that she buys for the pup on her way to the shelter.

The Adorable Doggo Loves People

Before she was surrendered, Kylie lived on a farm and she used to interact with other animals.

After spending three years at the shelter, Kylie’s behavior towards other animals changed. Now, she doesn’t like hanging out with them.

Julie thinks that the fact that Kylie doesn’t like other animals is her main obstacle concerning finding a home.

“I think that is 90% of the reason why she hasn’t found a home because most animal lovers have a dog or a cat. So to find someone that fits Kylie’s needs is really tough,” she said.

Kylie loves spending time with people. Julie introduced her to her nieces and the sweet pup was overjoyed to meet them and play with them. 

The affectionate pooch has a lot of love to give. All that she needs is a chance. 

As Julie said for GeoBeats Animals, their area has “a huge pet overpopulation problem”, and it’s difficult to find a foster for Kylie. 

The shelter staff continues believing that their delightful girl will find a wonderful home that she really deserves.

The lovely dog would be over the moon to leave the shelter and soak up the love her family would give her. 

We hope that the adorable pooch will soon find her happily-ever-after. We would love to see her smile. Just like all canines, Kylie deserves to be showered with infinite affection and love.