It’s likely that if you celebrate Christmas with your family, you or your children once believed in Santa Claus. Children can cling to a tiny bit of magic by believing in Santa Claus, even though adults know this is a small holiday lie.

Most people who have lost that element of the holiday try to preserve that sense of wonder for their children for as long as possible.

However, a substitute teacher at Cedar Hill School in Montville, New Jersey, completely ruined the magic of Christmas by dropping a massive “bomb” on some gullible first-graders, according to WKRG News 5.

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If the topic comes up at home in the upcoming days, Raj said, “I am writing this letter so that you are aware of the matter and you may take the necessary efforts to preserve the innocent purity of the holiday season.”.

“She told the kids that Santa Claus is a myth and that parents just buy toys to put under the tree. She explained that reindeer are incapable of flight and that elves are imaginary dolls that your parents move around. “.

Simek claimed that the spirits of the 22 other first-graders in CH’s class and our six-year-old were allegedly broken by an adult woman. Many of us parents have been working to undo the harm that has been done since the kids got home from school today but coming from an adult, it’s evident that this is the kind of seed that was planted deep inside their sceptic, perceptive, and curious brains. “.

On the other hand, many parents concurred that what she did was appropriate and the best thing she could have done for those kids.

The community is trying to “correct” the situation, despite the teacher’s actions not being ideal.

Mrs According to Simek’s original post, as part of a creative writing Christmas assignment, Casey Daniel, an English teacher at Toms River High – East High School in Toms River, and her journalism class offered to write the children unique, personalised, humorous letters from the North Pole.

Whether or not the parents approve of this teacher’s methods, the school has only responded thus far with a letter of warning.

Superintendent of Montville Schools Rene Rovtar released a statement in which she expressed “worry” and “disappointment” over the substitute’s actions.

The childlike wonder connected to all holidays and customs is something that I treasure, Rovtar said.

The teacher’s identity was kept a secret, and the school did not indicate whether she would stay as a local teacher.