A woman who wanted to adopt a pit bull in need decided to go to an adoption event in New York because she thought it was the best place to start. And of course he did!

He spent his days dreaming, observing and petting dogs of all types and sizes. One day a boy caught her eye and she knew it was him. We present to you the story of Picasso, the smallest pit bull in the world.

New beggining

Cute pit bull in the hands of a woman

The woman who asked to adopt a puppy quickly realized it wasn’t a puppy. This was a healthy adult pit bull. He was shocked by the news and thought it made the cute puppy even cuter. After being adopted, she made her way to her foster mom who was eager to show off this special puppy! Even his foster mom found it hard to believe that this wasn’t an adult dog, but that didn’t stop her from falling in love with him.

His adoptive mother, who had to hide him in her apartment because the building did not allow reproduction, started a new life together. Unfortunately, Picasso looked gaunt and tired, so his first order of business was to put on weight through a high-protein diet.

Picasso was very young. It was smaller than a light bulb, a blender, a cutting board, a coffee table book, or even a roll of paper towels.

The woman is holding the smallest pit bull

At first he was timid and shy, so it took him some time to adjust to his new life. But all that love and attention got him used to it quickly! He became interested, studied everything he saw and started playing with everything he could get his hands on.

some obstacles

His mother loved him so much that she decided to take him into the office and show him to her colleagues. Many people are in awe of this special puppy, but some are a little hesitant.

I was very nervous. One of his colleagues said he heard their jaws clench as they bit.

Foster mothers have a new mission. Just to show everyone that this breed isn’t as cruel as they think!

Luckily I had a nice assistant so it wasn’t too hard. He easily won the hearts of everyone around. He even gave him a little hug from a colleague who was afraid of him. The man stroked the smallest pit bull lying on a pillow

After work I went to the dog park where I encountered another challenge.

The park was divided into a large dog area and a small dog area, so my mom didn’t know where to get the dog. In theory, it was suitable for small dogs, but it exudes energy for large dogs, so it was only fair to take it to the large dog park.

It didn’t take long for my mom to remind me that pit bulls don’t have a good reputation in the dog world. After receiving rude comments, she decided to go somewhere else to relax with her dog.

They waited to be seated on the terrace of the restaurant, but Picasso did not allow them to stay because many people consider pit bulls to be a cruel and aggressive breed. His foster mother is shocked to see all the stereotypes about her beloved breed Picasso and hopes that people will soon realize how vulnerable they are.

Until then, my adopted pet and I will be lying on the couch. The girl is holding a cute pit bull

Debunking the Myth

Let me shed some light on this misconception.

Contrary to popular belief, pit bulls are not aggressive. In fact, aggression is not a breed trait. This is the result of various factors in the dog’s upbringing, such as abuse, lack of socialization or poor training. If you have an aggressive pit bull, there may be a good reason why.

Pitbulls are actually very loyal dogs, full of love and eager to please their two-legged friends. Saying and believing that they are an aggressive breed is an unfair and unfounded stereotype.

the last word

I hope this wonderful and special dog story serves as a warning not to blindly trust everyone who listens. Picasso truly proved that being small doesn’t mean you can’t make a big difference. His love and affection still leaves a huge mark on everyone he meets, proving that he is not what he appears to be.