Aggressive and reactive behavior in dogs is never the result of genetics, but rather of human influence. Regardless of breed, dogs that have spent their lives in a positive, nurturing environment and have been properly socialized will never pose a threat. Unfortunately, Pitty’s poor puppy Maddy had a rough start in life.

When she passed a woman in a park in Brooklyn, New York, she reacted harshly to everyone. This attractive young girl fell victim to a breeding conflict and quickly developed into a very aggressive dog. But then the right people came along!

Maddie’s story

Ellie Frank from Mr. Bones & Company calls from New York about Maddie, and she’s completely confused. The woman who called said Maddie was given to a man who “found her in a trash can” at the park.

Shortly after, the man disappeared and the dog was handed over to the organization.

Upon arriving at the organization, Ellie and the team realize that Maddie is not alone, as she shows no signs of hunger. In fact, the man probably left her that same day.

“The man fled after making up a story as to how he acquired the puppy, who was then turned over to our organization. We immediately realized she was in serious trouble,” Mr. Bones & Co wrote on Facebook.

The problem was, Maddie was no picnic! She was severely reactive and intolerant of every single hooman and dog in the facility. 

“MADDIE was highly reactive to people and dogs, not tolerant of handling and her frustration threshold was low – she escalated to reactivity almost immediately if she was uncomfortable,” the organization wrote.

The staff assumed that she was likely bred from a fighting stock and already “begun the grooming process to fight,” and then someone rescued her.

Becoming A Brand-New Pup

Elli immediately contacted Suze Cullinan, the president of Instinct Dog Behavior & Training and a long-time certified dog behavior trainer who specializes in helping dogs overcome fear and anxiety issues.

This reactive doggo girl enrolled in the training camp, where she had a long way to go. Even though it all started out as a three-week training period, Maddie was still wary of strangers and had sudden outbursts. That’s why Suze decided to foster her until she fully recovered.

Throughout positive reinforcement training, Maddie’s every day was progress. She slowly started to learn to trust people and other dogs. Thanks to her momma, this aggressive girl was on her way to a full recovery – and even more! 

Nine months later, the most wonderful news arrived! 

Instead of approving her for adoption, Suze couldn’t bear the thought of parting ways with her canine bud. Instead, she decided that Maddie would be a foster fail and stay with her mom – forever!

She came a long way and mastered social skills like a real princess, and now she’s thriving and enjoying life to the fullest!

“MADDIE worked so hard to survive under the care of her foster mom and she mastered social skills needed to integrate into an environment filled with new people and dogs on a daily basis,” they wrote on Facebook.

Suze is extremely happy to see Maddie in a brand-new edition. 

It took time, sweat, and tears, but eventually, the whole process paid off! Maddie was no longer her old self, and now she even took part in helping her mom heal other dogs that coped with fear and anxiety issues.

Once a mistreated Pittie that didn’t stand a chance, Maddie is now a brand-new dog… all thanks to humanity!