Every day we read many articles about the courage of police officers, one of the most dangerous professions in the world. These brave people work all hours of the day to keep us safe. But they aren’t just for humans. Rescuing dogs and other animals and keeping them safe can be equally rewarding. And sometimes there may even be a happy ending that warms everyone’s heart.

One such story he told at the Augusta, Maine Police Department was about an abandoned, injured puppy who was in desperate need of help.

An Crisis Call That Will Alter The Officer’s Life

On July 16, 2020, Augusta Police Officer, Sara Rogers, got an crisis call to protect an harmed canine that was deserted some place on the lanes of Augusta, the capital city of Maine.

As Sara continuously had sympathy for puppies, particularly those with such a destiny, it was not troublesome for her to rapidly get prepared and surge to assist the small one.

Whereas the vets were doing their work, the officer, along with her colleagues, did everything in their control to discover the proprietor. Tragically, it was without victory. Or, fortunately… we’ll see.

The veterinarian inquired on the off chance that Officer Rogers seem check on the puppy all through the night until the Kennebec Compassionate Society staff came into work, which was no issue for Sara. It was like she knew that something extraordinary would develop.

A Extraordinary Minute Of Unbreakable Holding

Whereas on her night move, Officer Rogers routinely checked on the pup. She had some way or another gotten to be near to her heart as of now, so she attempted to be with the puppy as much as conceivable.

She indeed took her feast break with her unused companion, which was in fact the minute in which they made an unbreakable bond.

This driven to the choice that she would be willing to require the puppy and cultivate her until she got to be accessible for appropriation. Incredibly, this come about in her whole family falling in cherish with their unused occupant. 

About a month later, on August 18, the most beautiful thing happened. When the dog became available for adoption, Officer Sara didn’t have the heart to say “goodbye”. 

Rey, as she named the puppy after her favorite Star Wars Jedi character, got a new home faster than expected. Rey’s new life was filled with nothing but unreserved love from that moment. 

This is a truly heartwarming story that the Augusta Maine Police Department posted on their official Facebook profile with a note at the end: “You have to love happy endings!”.