Every dog ​​deserves unconditional love and care. We promise as soon as we receive them in our house. It breaks my heart that there are so many ruthless landlords who break this promise. They abandon innocent children without any remorse. The following story is about six defenseless little puppies who were abandoned by their families and forced to fight for their lives. They were in suitcases and they didn’t have time. Fortunately, good people stepped in and saved them.

Here is their story.

I have no more time

The police tend to put dogs in suitcases

In October 2022, two officers from the Tampa Police Department found a dog running with a puppy near a local rental house.

To help, they captured the pups and took them to the Tampa Bay Humane Society. Police returned to the area later that evening to investigate further. While searching the area outside the villa, we heard crying. Only then did they realize the sound was coming from a pink suitcase found at the scene.

They quickly opened the door and were heartbroken to see six puppies. The officers didn’t know how the dogs got into the suitcase, but were glad they got there in time to save them.

“It’s horrifying. I don’t know why anyone would do that,” said Sherry Silk, Humane Society of Tampa Bay CEO.  

After the police officers analyzed everything that had happened that day, they connected the dots and realized that the dog they had rescued earlier that day was the puppies’ mom. Then, they understood why their mom looked so agitated as she ran around the neighborhood.

She was so terrified that she would lose her puppies. She saved their lives. If her worried behavior hadn’t drawn the officers’ attention, they wouldn’t have suspected that something was wrong.

In Safe Hands

The sweet pups were taken to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. They were overjoyed to see their loving mom who was waiting for them, along with their sibling. They snuggled with her, feeling relieved to be in her arms again.

The puppies continued recovering at the puppies’ nursery, and their mom, who was later named Dora, was getting some rest.

The puppies, along with their mom, underwent a medical examination. They were estimated to be five weeks old.

Their mom, Dora, was thin, and some of the puppies had fleas, but other than that, they were found to be in good health.

While they were recovering, the cute pups stole the hearts of all the staff members who cuddled them and gave them a lot of love.

The sibling puppies were playing all the time and they were having the time of their life at the shelter.

The staff members had the honor of naming the pups. They were now known as Della, Daisy, Diana, Dawson, David, Diego, and Dana.

A Life Filled With Joy

Once the puppies turned eight weeks old, they were ready to leave the shelter. Many applications for adoption came in. One of the first puppies who got adopted was Della, who moved to a loving home in Tampa, Florida. 

Soon, all of the other puppies moved into their forever homes. Surrounded by infinite love and affection, they continued to flourish. We are delighted to see that these puppies found loving families who dote on them and fill their lives with joy. We are extremely grateful to the two officers from the Tampa Police Department for saving their lives. 

It’s absolutely unfathomable that any human is capable of stuffing these defenseless puppies or any other animal in a suitcase and abandoning them. To imagine what would have happened to them if the police officers hadn’t arrived on time is heartbreaking.

Luckily, these puppies got their happy endings, but there are so many other dogs waiting for fortune to smile on them. 

The shelter intake rate gets higher every year. In 2022, the Humane Society of Tampa Bay took 14,464 animals into their care. (1)

If you’re considering getting a dog, visit your local animal shelter and meet the many pups who are eagerly waiting to run into the loving arms of their foster or adoptive parents.

Let’s not disappoint them.