Every dog parent knows that losing a furry companion is utterly heartbreaking. The bond between a dog and its human is strong and irreplaceable, and when that bond is broken, the pain felt is beyond words. One dog owner, Kristie Pereira, experienced this pain when she believed she had to put down her beloved pup, Beau. However, she later learned that this wasn’t the case.

Kristie and Beau’s Bond

When Kristie Pereira adopted Beau, an adorable hound-mix puppy, from a shelter in Northern Virginia, she was excited to become a proud dog owner. She spent every day with Beau, enjoying playdates and cozy naps. However, after a few months, Beau’s behavior began to change, prompting concern.

A Vet’s Diagnosis

Pereira took Beau to the vet, who suggested that Beau might have neurological issues and prescribed medication. When Beau’s condition did not improve, Pereira took him to an emergency room in Montgomery County, Maryland. There, she received the same diagnosis: Beau had serious health problems. The vet recommended expensive and invasive tests, but these likely wouldn’t improve Beau’s condition. With a heavy heart, Pereira decided to take Beau to Montgomery County Animal Services for euthanasia.

A Shocking Discovery

Due to the animal service’s policy, Pereira was not allowed to be present during the euthanasia procedure. She tearfully handed Beau over to the vet, believing she was saying goodbye forever. “I don’t think that someone who just wanted to get rid of the dog would feel anywhere close to how I’m feeling about this and how I have felt about it. Like, none of it was easy,” Pereira told Fox 32.

Fox 32 obtained the form pet owners must fill out for euthanasia, which included a box indicating the owner’s request for humane euthanasia. However, the form also stated that if Montgomery County determined the pet was treatable and adoptable, they had the right to treat the pup and put it up for adoption. This is exactly what happened to Beau.

Beau’s Second Chance

After a thorough examination, it was determined that Beau was suffering from a liver issue. He was treated and, instead of being returned to Pereira, he was sent back to his original shelter in Northern Virginia. Unaware of this, Pereira continued mourning the loss of her beloved pup until she came across a Facebook post about a puppy available for adoption — and it was Beau.

Emotional Turmoil

Pereira was stunned. “An emotional rollercoaster, it’s [been], to say the least… He was like my little baby,” she told the news channel. Montgomery County Animal Services informed Fox 32 that they do not contact owners if they decide not to euthanize a pet unless the owner calls and expresses immediate regret. Pereira, however, recalled being told that if the vets recommended euthanasia due to a major health issue, she should choose what made her most comfortable.

A Heartbreaking Policy

The adoption organization acknowledged Pereira’s feelings but stated their strict policy of not returning surrendered pets to their former owners, which is what happened with Beau. Despite the deep bond she shared with Beau, Pereira was unable to get him back, highlighting the complexities and heartache that can come with such policies.