Rigby, unlike most dogs, has a peculiar fascination with mailboxes. While many canines might show interest in the mail or postmen, Rigby’s obsession extends specifically to mailboxes.
His owner, Courtney Poole, noticed Rigby’s unusual interest at an early age. While other puppies might be content with toys or treats, Rigby found joy in exploring the mailbox.
Rigby’s Introduction to Mailboxes
When Courtney and her husband, Evan, moved to Louisville, Kentucky, they introduced Rigby to their new mailbox. To their surprise, Rigby took an immediate liking to it. His enthusiasm led him to stick his head through the mailbox slot, greeting anyone who approached.
While the Poole family found Rigby’s behavior endearing, it raised some eyebrows among neighbors and passersby.
The Growth of Rigby’s Habit

As Rigby grew older, his love for the mailbox persisted. Despite outgrowing the mailbox in size, Rigby continued to squeeze his head through the slot, much to the amusement of onlookers. The mailbox became Rigby’s favorite spot, where he would spend hours observing the world outside.
Rigby’s Viral Fame
Rigby’s adorable habit didn’t go unnoticed. Passersby began capturing videos of Rigby in the mailbox, sharing them on social media platforms. Rigby’s charming antics garnered attention and smiles from all who encountered him. Even though it started as a simple habit, Rigby’s mailbox escapades soon gained viral fame.
The Mailman’s Surprise

One morning, the mailman received an unexpected surprise when he opened the mailbox to deliver mail. Rigby’s head popping out of the mailbox startled the mailman, leading to a tense moment. However, with time, the mailman grew accustomed to Rigby’s presence and even came to appreciate the unique greeting.
Despite the initial surprise, Rigby’s mailbox adventures have become a source of joy and amusement for both the neighborhood and online audiences. Rigby continues to reside in his beloved home in Louisiana, watching over the neighborhood with a vigilant eye.
While some might find Rigby’s fascination with mailboxes peculiar, it serves as a heartwarming reminder of the simple pleasures that bring joy to our lives.