When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Or, in the words of Flip Flop, when life brings you challenges, overcome them with your sweetest smile.

Bosley’s Place, a Georgia conservation organization, shared the story of the resilience and incredible spirit of a little pup named Flip Flop. Rejected by his mother as a newborn due to his deformity, this tiny teddy bear pup fought to get better.

Then the biggest surprise of his life happened!

An emotional journey

Flip Flop’s life didn’t have a happy start. Only a few days old, this little furball was left all alone after being rejected by her mother. Due to the deformity of his front legs, he was on the brink of death, suffering with every breath.

And then a miracle happened!

Brave rescuers from Bosley Place, Georgia decided to intervene to change this boy’s life for the better.

Once recovered, flip-flops began to show signs of progress. He immediately picked up the bottle and every day his weight began to increase.

“Other than the obvious deformity of his front left leg, he appears to be very healthy with a great appetite,” the Bosley’s Place team wrote on Facebook.

The good folks at BP monitored his growth 24 hours a day, and in just a few weeks, the rejected fight turned into a happy, healthy puppy.

He has already started socializing with other puppies and making new friends. Flip Flop’s incredibly charming personality quickly made him the center of attention. He played with other dogs and enjoyed every moment of his life as if it had never happened.

But there was one question that remained unanswered in the teachers’ minds. His leg was deformed and he was unsure whether to have it amputated due to the possibility of infection.

And as Flipflop grew, we got an answer.

Veterinarians say the little fighter, who turned out to be a purebred toy poodle, could have survived without surgery.

“He’s getting around just fine, it doesn’t bother him whatsoever and because he’s not a 60+ pound dog, he’s not dragging it and it is not at risk of infection so… He gets to keep the leg,” BP wrote on Facebook.

Flipflop In A New Home

As soon as his adoption was approved, great news came to his rescue. Ever a big dog lover, Nikki and his family decided to bring Flip Flop home.

The BP team was very happy to see their little bud finally start the next chapter of her life. And everyone was just relieved to know he was going home with Nikki.

This truly wonderful family didn’t stop there. In addition to Flip Flop (now Butters), space was also made available for two other special needs dogs, Griff and Henry.

“He has an amazing family, truly incredible… Not only did they adopt Flipflop, now Butters but, they also adopted TWO of our other special-needs puppies, Griff and Henry, now Hank,” BP wrote in an update post.

Now, Butters is very happy in his new home with his brothers, sisters, and the people he loves most. After a difficult start in his life, he finally reached the place he deserved and turned his every day into a whole new adventure.