Unfortunately, some dogs don’t have the happy and fun life they deserve because they go through hardships hoping someone will recognize their worth.

Fortunately, the dog in today’s story had a happy ending.

sad thing

Ozzy was a beagle who had a very hard time growing up and it showed on his body.

Because of his condition, he is suspected to have suffered long-term neglect from his foster mother, Hannah. When he brings her home, Ozzy doesn’t look happy at all. He was shaking with fear and lifeless, as if he just wanted to sleep and rest. But Hannah didn’t want to give him up.

“I have never seen a dog in such a rough shape before. He was emaciated. You could see every bone in his body. He didn’t have much fur. His skin was infected and red and itchy. And it really seemed like with each step that he took, it was incredibly painful for him,” Hannah told The Dodo.

She took him out for regular, albeit very short, walks as his legs were not properly aligned and he was unable to walk for long periods of time. To counter this, Hannah bought him a small dog stroller so he could take him out and get some fresh air.

big improvement

“On the third day, I remember very distinctly, I looked at him and his eyes looked brighter. It looked like there was some hope in them,” she said.

Soon after, Hannah saw him walk to a toy box all on his own, wanting to have some fun. Hanna was so overjoyed by this scene.

Around this time, she also noticed he started wagging his tail, letting her know that he was getting better and better with every passing day.

“At that one-week mark, I really started to see a change in his energy levels. Even though he is an older dog once he got his strength back, he reverted back to his puppy ways,” Hannah stated.

Soon, Ozzy’s energy levels started improving drastically, as he was engaging more and more with his foster sister, running around and even howling at his own reflection.

“I think this was an opportunity for him to truly act as a puppy for the first time in his life,” she added.

As he gained confidence, this adorable pup started asking for cuddles every chance he got. As soon as he saw Hannah sitting on the couch, he would run up to her, as this was his favorite spot to cuddle.

He also started loving human contact, as it served as a reminder that he was finally in a safe and loving space.

“Being able to have that impact on a creature’s life, it’s life-changing,” said Hannah.

Unfortunate News

Sadly, Ozzy’s health started to deteriorate because of acute kidney failure. Hannah tried her best, but she was unable to save him as it happened so fast. Ozzy crossed the rainbow bridge three days after the diagnosis.

“Getting to do life with Ozzy every day was one of the greatest gifts I was ever blessed with. I wish each of you could have known my sweet boy, because I could never put into words how special he was,” she stated.

The sudden news of Ozzy’s passing saddened everybody who knew him. He was such an incredible dog who left an adorable little pawprint on the hearts of the people he came across.

Thank you, Hannah, for finally giving him the life he deserved all along and for making his last months the best months a doggo could ask for.