When a very determined rescue team arrived at the construction site of a new shelter for animals in need, they thought it was going to be an ordinary day.
But as soon as I got inside, I noticed something on the ground. A closer look revealed that it was actually a small puppy. That someone simply threw the sick puppy over the fence, thinking the rescue team would take it away, forgetting that it could cause serious harm to the puppy.
It didn’t take me long to realize that. But the rescuers had no time to think. I had to help the poor guy.
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At first glance, rescuers noticed that the puppy was too tired to sit still. He also cried constantly and appeared to have difficulty breathing. Luckily, one of the rescuers was also a veterinarian, so he immediately gave the puppy an IV to keep him hydrated. He also prepared antibiotics to ensure recovery.

As the rescuers were looking over the sick pup, making sure that he was okay, they noticed a woman making her way over to them.
In her hand, she had another puppy!

The woman told the rescuers that she “couldn’t take care of the puppy” and didn’t want the puppy to be abandoned, so the rescuers took it away.
On the other hand, this puppy was in good health and had a good appetite.

This event convinced the rescue workers that what they were doing was really important and that this new shelter was needed.
Road to recovery
The team took the puppy to the appropriate veterinary hospital where he underwent a thorough examination. Veterinarians determined that he was suffering from hypothermia and was also suffering from internal parasites.

The strong pup received all the medicine he needed to get healthy and get back on his feet.
Unfortunately, he was unable to regulate his body temperature on his own, so a veterinarian had to help him with a hair dryer. After warming up a bit, the pup was given additional medication and tasty food.
Just three days after being rescued, the puppy began to recover.

I love being hugged and massaged. Not only will it keep you warm, but it will show you that you are truly worthy of love.
Combined with daily antibiotic treatments, this adorable pup made a very quick recovery. The pup, now named Bebe, also has a four-legged friend. He loves spending time with the puppies and cute cats he rescued on the same day.

However, Bebe still has a long road to recovery.
The people around him are doing everything they can to help him and hope that one day this cute pup will have a better life, surrounded by kind people, fun games, and cozy cuddles. If you would like to support Bebe’s journey with a donation, please contact Paws Show.