It is a well-known fact that many stray dogs are genuinely afraid of humans due to abuse or lack of prior contact.

This causes many problems. Some of them do their best to avoid us, but if you live near a busy road, you’re going to get into even more trouble. In this story, we will talk about a scared dog who avoided his rescuers for a long time because he was very afraid of them.

Really difficult rescue

In one of their rescue efforts, Hope For Paws attempted to save a very scared dog who lived near Los Angeles International Airport.

Her rescuers were able to find her quickly, but they also realized how afraid she was of them, and she quickly ran away. Because of this, several attempts to lure him with food failed no matter how hard I tried.

One day they set a humane trap for her, but she saw through it. In another case, they brought in one of her rescue dogs in hopes of calming down the scared pup. But no matter what they tried, it was completely in vain. Nothing helped. After numerous attempts, the man told them where the dog was sleeping, hoping the information would be helpful.

And it was. They moved towards where she was sleeping, blocking all possible escape routes.

Successful rescue

All that was left to do was wait. After her arrival, she noticed that there were people near her house, and she hid in nearby branches and bushes. One of the rescuers caught her and put a small leash around her neck.

He tried to calm her down and persuade her to come with him, but she violently resisted. The poor dog was so afraid of people that he didn’t want to interact with them.

After a while, she managed to relax and her rescuers showed her that she was safe.

The dog, now named Bellanca, was taken to a shelter in California where she was treated and bathed.

After the treatment, he became a completely different dog. She ran straight to the rescuers and hugged them.

Soon after, she was playing in the yard with the other dogs, letting her personality come into play and showing how happy she was right now. Although she was recently rescued, I am confident that the wonderful people at Hope For Paws will find this sweet dog a wonderful home where she will receive the love she deserves.