Nova’s story is truly touching and highlights the resilience and capacity for trust in dogs, even after experiencing abandonment. Here’s a summary of her journey:

Abandoned and Alone

Nova, a special dog, endured the heartbreak of being left on a busy highway with a kennel marked “free.” This act of abandonment shattered the trust she had placed in her previous owner.

A Guardian Angel Appears

Thankfully, a compassionate Good Samaritan spotted Nova and quickly sought help by posting her plight online. Madison Nygard, a volunteer with Pawfect Match Rescue, responded swiftly and arrived at the scene within minutes.

Rescue and Rehabilitation

Madison was shocked and appalled by Nova’s situation but was determined to help. She took Nova to a veterinarian in North Carolina for a thorough checkup and treatment. This act ensured Nova’s immediate physical well-being and began her journey towards emotional recovery.

Finding Comfort and Love

Under Madison’s foster care, Nova finally felt safe and secure. She flourished in the nurturing environment, showing her gratitude through affection and adapting well to her new surroundings.

A New Beginning

While Nova awaits her forever home, Madison continues to seek the perfect match for her. Potential adopters have shown interest, and Nova is enjoying the comforts of a warm home filled with love, treats, toys, and caring family members.

Hope for the Future

Nova’s story underscores the resilience of dogs and the transformative power of compassion. Despite the trauma of abandonment, she demonstrates an incredible capacity to trust again, eagerly embracing the love and care offered to her. With each day in her foster home, Nova grows stronger, both physically and emotionally, preparing for a future filled with happiness and security.


Nova’s journey is a testament to the importance of rescue organizations and compassionate individuals who intervene to give abandoned animals a second chance at life. Her story inspires hope and emphasizes the enduring bond between humans and their canine companions.