It is structures like Tessa that restore faith in humanity.

This community of big-hearted rescuers has come together for a good cause, showing how strong and powerful the ways people can come together can be. This cute girl was buried under an unknown rock and suffered major injuries. For days he tried to reach the world, but failed. Then something amazing happened!

Save Tessa
The dog got stuck on a rock

The Sidewalk Specials team first met Tessa during their volunteer work, which usually involved checking on dogs outdoors and examining their living conditions.

Tessa lived on a farm with her family and other dogs, but because her living conditions were poor, the team involved her in a feeding program. They fed him and his siblings regularly around the clock.

She was such a sweet and friendly girl who always greeted her SS friends with the sweetest tail and smile. help save dogs

Tessa loved life on the farm and being with her siblings. But one day he disappeared and his family was very surprised. He disappeared for three days and three nights and then reappeared under a rock.

Upon closer inspection of the designated area, it becomes clear that Tessa is trapped under a rock and cannot find a way out. I called the SS team and asked for immediate help.

Somehow they were able to feed Tessa because she hadn’t eaten in days. Unfortunately, the stone was too heavy to move, so the team needed specialist help.

Tessa’s rescuers managed to find a professional mountaineer who agreed to help with his equipment.

“We’ve actually managed to find a professional mountaineer who says he says equipment to move the rocks so he’s gonna head up early tomorrow morning,” said Rachael Sylvester, the founder of SP.

The next morning, he arrived at the spot, and started what appeared to be one of the hardest rescue missions this team of giant-hearted people ever had. Tessa’s rescue took around five hours, but she was eventually saved and brought back to safe ground.

Once she finally got out, Tessa was so happy to be reunited with her siblings. She drank a lot of water, as she was clearly dehydrated. According to the team, this was her longest drink they’ve ever seen.

The Road To Recovery

Due to her failed attempts to get out from the rocks alone, Tessa had scrapes all over her body. The SS team provided her with all the medical care she needed, and once she finally felt better, they brought her back to her family.

Only a few days within her stay on the farm, her rescuers learned that Tessa’s owners left their home and abandoned her. On one of their outreaches, they spotted Tessa sleeping in an old, rusty drum outside. 

On top of all that, she had another wound on her head. A big chunk of her skin was missing, and she was evidently in bad condition.

“No dog deserves to experience abandonment. Especially not an old, sweet girl like Tessa, who’s survived so much already,” Sidewalk Specials wrote on Facebook.

One more time, the team intervened and decided to help their loving girl. They moved Tessa from the farm, which was now unsafe for her, and brought her back to their facility.