In the ongoing debate between robot dogs like Spot from Boston Dynamics and their real canine counterparts, Jess Joho from the Los Angeles Times conducted a series of fun challenges to see how each fared:

1. Accessorize That Dog: Spot wore a bandana with pride, but Magde the Bulldog seemed less thrilled about accessorizing, giving real dogs their first win.

2. (Not) Giving The Paw: Sweetie the real dog, despite not giving her paw, won hearts with her cute confusion. Spot showed solidarity, but it ended in a draw.

3. Who’s The Better Water Dog: Spot took water immersion seriously, but Beau’s enthusiasm in the water earned him the trophy, surprising observers.

4. Comforting Challenges Can Get Uncomfortable: Judy the Husky’s empathetic response contrasted with Spot’s stoic behavior, resulting in a draw due to differing expectations.

5. The Poop-Off: Spot’s low-maintenance ‘poop’ routine won practicality points, though Dax’s color-coordinated effort was noted.

6. The Recall Challenge: Dax’s lightning-fast recall earned him a clear victory, showcasing real dogs’ efficiency in responsiveness compared to Spot’s more mechanical approach.

The Verdict: Jess’s scores favored real dogs with four wins to Spot’s two, highlighting their natural prowess in various tasks. Pupvine’s representative found it closer, scoring Real Dogs 3.5 : 2.5 Robot Dog, with the last challenge marked as a draw due to Spot’s lack of treats.

Who do you think deserves the title of champion in this friendly competition?