The most important thing when approaching a scared stray dog ​​is to approach slowly. If they are afraid, they may have good reason to be, and they may be angry. Most people want food and comfort, so giving them something to eat is the best option. Once they see that you mean no harm, they will believe you. In this story, we will talk about a dog that went through a similar situation, but is now safe thanks to a great rescuer.

A scary dog ​​that lives in an alley

stray dog ​​in the alley

It was an ordinary day when the homeless rescuers of St. Louis they found a stray dog ​​waiting for help in a small alley. When the rescuer found him, he noticed that the dog was very scared and tried to calm him down by stepping back and talking to him.

He tried to get closer, but that didn’t lessen his fear. She still felt uncomfortable around him.

dog lying next to the food bowl

The woman noticed that he was putting food and water in a new bowl, and someone looked after him for a while until he arrived. It shows that there are really good people out there and it’s amazing to see them helping this poor puppy.

But in order to believe his words, the woman gave him some food, which he gladly took and ate.

small kindness

stray dog ​​with a red leash

After a while, the dog got up and approached the rescuer.

It was a very rainy day which meant we had to leave soon as it was going to be very cold. The woman hugged him and finally realized that he wanted her to be okay and that he wanted to help her.

A stray dog ​​approached a woman.

She then puts the dogs in her car and drives them back to a shelter in St. Louis where I can get better care. Once it was confirmed that he was indeed a healthy dog, it was time to find a foster home and soon a new family.

Although there is no word on what happened to this adorable dog, we are confident that he is now in a warm home with people who care for him.