It can be tough to imagine that things could ever be wonderful again when life breaks apart. However, despite all that pain, light seems to find a way to shine through.

Courtney Hill experienced that when her husband Bryan was abruptly taken away from her and her family.

Bryan was a career soldier in the US Army who deployed to Afghanistan, Kuwait, and Iraq. He put himself in many risky situations throughout the years, yet he always escaped unscathed.

She learns she’s pregnant after her husband passes away, and then she views the breathtaking ultrasound.

Bryan and Courtney anticipated a more carefree and joyful future once Bryan left the Army.

But they were unaware that danger was waiting just around the corner.

Bryan was tragically killed in an automobile accident in February 2016. In addition to losing her adored husband, Courtney had to say goodbye to Reagan’s great-father.

Courtney quickly became entirely preoccupied with getting ready for the wake. She learned unexpectedly that she was expecting a child in the midst of everything.

She learns she’s pregnant after her husband passes away, and then she views the breathtaking ultrasound.

Courtney held Bryan during the wake, and she said, “Sweetheart, you’re going to be a dad again. ”.

As the months went by, Courtney managed to get over her grief. She made every effort to adjust to a new way of life.

Unfortunately, when Courtney experienced severe stomach pain, things became more difficult. She visited her doctor out of concern for a miscarriage.

She learns she’s pregnant after her husband passes away, and then she views the breathtaking ultrasound.

At that point, Courtney received additional information that completely upended her world.

The physicians could make out two boys and one girl in the ultrasound!

My mouth dropped open. But having three more smiles that make me think of him made me happy,” she told CBS Chicago.

She learns she’s pregnant after her husband passes away, and then she views the breathtaking ultrasound.

Having triplets has a lot of hazards, and when Courtney had another scan, she learned some terrible news.

One of the infants, Brady, was abandoned without a heartbeat.

Miles and Harper, the other two infants, were both born healthy.

She learns she’s pregnant after her husband passes away, and then she views the breathtaking ultrasound.

Reagan, Miles, and Harper are Courtney’s pride and joy, along with her daughter. She is excited about having kids because she is aware of Bryan’s pride in his offspring.

Usually, when asked, Courtney denies that Miles and Harper are twins.

She triumphantly declares, “I call them surviving triplets. ”.

She learns she’s pregnant after her husband passes away, and then she views the breathtaking ultrasound.

Of course, Courtney misses her husband and her miscarried child, but she draws courage from her work as a mother.

Bryan was a courageous, powerful, and loving man. Because their father cannot witness their children’s development, she cherishes every moment she spends with them.

Courtney has learned to enjoy daily with her little darlings since she has seen firsthand how sheer happiness can be.

Despite her family’s difficult past, Courtney is upbeat about the future due to the support she’s received from friends and family.

Their trip demonstrates that living each moment fully is more important than living a long life.

Please share if you want to wish Courtney and her adorable children all the best in the future!