Living as a neglected dog in a shelter is not easy. It must be hard to see your friends come and go every day. Especially if you are a friendly and sociable person like Rush!

This adorable mess was found as a stray puppy at the SICSA Pet Wellness & Adoption Center in Dayton, Ohio. He has been looking for a family ever since he was first adopted by his family and then returned to the shelter!

He wanted to finally find a home so he decided to do the sweetest thing and move away for a bit!

A life without a family to call your own.

pit bull pictures

It must have been very hard for Rash to spend his entire life without a permanent home. Every time a family or person comes to the shelter, their hopes are high! Then he saw a family walking another dog!

But Rush never lost hope and never lost his desire to find a home. He was always good enough and broke the “Pete Toler Angle” stereotype.

Many people have a moment when they surprise their hearts

Puppy to make your own bed

One day he decided to try something new. And he held the words with his mouth, raised the bed and stopped around the bed!

The pit rushed and made a bed

When they saw them sweet, the Sicsa volunteers could not believe their eyes!

One of the volunteers, Leah, is a healing video made in bed and was a virus in the near future!

A sad dog holding you a blanket in your mouth

The video has seen millions of people from all over the world and has melted in the hearts and hearts of people!

It was the most amazing thing -it was something every day! And he held the bed every day until his family appeared at the corner!

The family finally showed

Photos with people and women from Pitbull Rush

As I did at that moment, Leah’s image came!

There were many people in the world who loved many people sicsa in Ohio, Ohio!

Recently, I think Ronnie Walles and lost dogs because of degenerative diseases, but they did not adopt other dogs, but they should be returned to it!

“She said ‘I think I want him,’ and I said ‘Okay,’ “ says Ronnie.

They went to the facility to meet Rush, and just like that – the bond was created! He welcomed his new pawrents with open paws, thrilled to be finally taken out of his kennel for good!

Living The Best Life

Even though he finally got to live his best life – Rush never forgot where he originally came from!

His mom decided to give him a chance to visit his old family one day, and Rush loved it! He literally gave everyone the sweetest kisses!

Jessie, Rachel, Sydney, and his foster parents – Allison and Mike – were all very happy to see Rush so happy and fulfilled after all this time.

They always knew he was a good boi – he just needed the right time and the right people to acknowledge it!