Marvel recently changed the release dates for several of their movies!

The MCU has several projects, both film and television, underway in its Phase 5 schedule, but has updated its release dates as it prepares to resume production following the writers’ strike and the SAG-AFTRA strike . .

Phase 5 started with Ant and the Bees: Quantum Mania and continued with Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3, Secret Invasion and the penultimate season of Loki, which just ended on Disney!

The world of Intertwined has seen a lot of changes over the past year, from casting to creative changes to multiple production shutdowns due to the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes.

Several MCU TV shows and movies have been delayed while Disney rethinks many things, including its content strategy.

Marvel recently revealed the release dates for their upcoming projects, and you can find the latest updates on the next nine MCU Phase 5 projects right here!

Click inside for all the updated details and release date on MCU Phase 5.