No dog deserves to be homeless. Unfortunately, many four-legged creatures are doomed to live the life of a wanderer, fighting for every morsel of food they find on their travels. It’s truly a miracle that a dog like Tortie can survive for so many years. This adorable little dog has been fighting every day since the day he was born. He wandered the city for 11 consecutive years, hoping to find a place to call his own. Unfortunately, all he found was a factory yard, a temporary shelter. This is his story…

Live life in the factory garden

Toty’s life is truly an inspiring story of survival! All this time, he lived outside with no proper shelter or roof above his head

When the good people of Howl Of A Dog approached him, he had a yellow tag on his ear, which meant that at one point, he had been taken to a vet, neutered, and then again released on the street.

On top of all that, Toty’s health was affected. He had spine problems and difficulty moving at all. 

“He lived outside, no proper shelter, no medical care and sadly his health deteriorated. Age took its toll: Toty has severe arthritis and he’s walking with difficulty, staggering on his hind legs,” his rescuers wrote on their Facebook.

The brave dog found shelter in the factory garden and is believed to have lived there for the past few years. According to GOD employees, one of the employees fed him. The good people of HOD decided to extend a hand of friendship to this poor warrior, which he instantly accepted. He literally melted in the arms of his Savior, as if trying to express his gratitude for finally being saved.

The team took him to a facility where he received medical care and love that he probably had never experienced before.

Toti never lost his luster.

The team estimated Toti’s age to be about 11 years old. He was already in his later years, but nevertheless, his love for life was stronger than ever. He was literally one of the sweetest dogs on the property, showering everyone who came near him with hugs and kisses. Even though Toti had no family, he was a very good-natured and sociable person.

“We may not know his whole story, but one thing we know for sure: he has never ever had a loving, caring family. He’s all kindness, affectionate, good-natured and very friendly with people,” the Howl Of A Dog team wrote.

He was recently diagnosed with arthritis, but despite his condition, Toti is always ready to play with his carers, which shows how enthusiastic he is.

Even though he’s still in the process of finding his furever home, we’re absolutely sure that he will make some family really happy.