Some puppies are just born under a lucky star.

The fact that this little dog was a stray did not spoil his plans or his destiny. He knew in his heart that she would be a better girlfriend than him.

The law of attraction is clear. Positive thoughts produce positive results. That day, the little man waltzed into the naval base with enviable courage and confidence.

…I found a housekeeper to take care of him!

It’s simple!

Gryphon decided he didn’t want the life of a wanderer.

So what does Griffin do? He goes to a naval base and selects a man. Learn from his example!

This sweet boy just arrived and decided he wanted an owner.

The wandering life was not good for him and he wanted a change. Born and raised on the streets, this 6-month-old puppy knew street life wasn’t for him. It was too much for Griffin’s good soul. An American naval base overseas, the base’s US Navy commander and his colleagues enter the scene.

He saw Commander Griffin approaching him and knew the cub was walking around the base. You can see many dogs walking around military installations every day.

“A U.S. Naval Commander saw the little dog and immediately recognized he wouldn’t survive long alone in such a dangerous environment; scooping the pup up into his arms as he was reminded of his unit’s motto “Those who arrive alive, leave alive” and he knew it had to apply to this little soul too”, Paws Of War, a non-profit organization, reported on their Facebook page.

When word spread that there was a dog at the base, everyone went crazy. They all wanted to meet the little man who dared to join forces with the big, strong boys. Little Griffin was not afraid of military uniforms and big guns.

He captured their hearts, put on his military boots and became a little hero. The commander, who asked not to be named, said he didn’t want to leave Griffin behind. This brave soldier is from Maryland and has a wife and children who are thrilled to have a puppy like Griffin. There were very few members of the Griffin family.

Little Griffin became a light in everyone’s everyday life. Little Griffin’s wish came true. He got what he deserved.

Thanks to support and donations to Paws of War, a non-profit organization that provides service dogs to veterans, Griffin was able to move from the base to his new family home in Maryland.

He was reunited with Commander Homan, the first person he had ever seen and the first person to realize how precious the gryphon was.