Kindness is an underrated virtue. It’s not often talked about, but many people offer to help orphaned animals and don’t expect anything in return. People like him are true heroes of this earth, but I don’t think their journeys are shared enough.
This story is about a teacher who has to abandon the stray dog he adopted, and his final farewell brings tears to his eyes.
The scientist is a very good boy.

When this scientist was only a few months old, he was already facing many adversities in life alone.
But one fateful day, a good Samaritan from New Orleans decided to welcome him into his home. This adorable pup was given the chance to live a normal life and just loved every minute of it.
“The boy was found homeless and this man, who was also a schoolteacher in New Orleans, brought this gentle boy home to care for him,” the Villalobos Conservation Center said in a statement. However, that didn’t last long as the owner found out and recommended that the puppy be destroyed.
He took him to a rescue center where he explained the entire situation to scientists. They treated him with understanding and decided to welcome him.
The post continues with: A renewed sense of faith in humanity began to take over. Paperwork was filled out and we assured the Good Samaritan teacher that the pup was in good hands.
A Very Emotional Goodbye

The final moment has arrived. This was not easy. The good Samaritan cradled the adorable dog and sent him off to a new, more hopeful future.
The orphanage staff named him “Scientist” in honor of the professor who loved him and provided him with a home whenever possible. After a lovely farewell, this brave dog was taken into a foster home where he will await news of his condition.
Lifeguard Tia Torres told The Dodo: Making such an important decision depends on many factors, and subscribers probably expected a happy ending, but the scientist’s story continues on its own.

Shortly thereafter, he was transferred to the Illinois Pet Rescue Initiative. This initiative also helps dogs find their forever homes.
Torres continues: “As a former teacher, I was excited about this. We considered this rescue a “life lesson” for the scientist, and the perfect next step on his path to finding a forever home.
After spending time at the rescue center, a new opportunity presented itself. When the new family of scientists met him, they realized that it was him.
It didn’t take them long to make a decision, and they couldn’t wait to get him into his new home.