He was so happy to meet the foster mother of the abandoned puppy, who raised her leg and cried for help.
It is so sad to imagine that any dog ​​owner could abuse and abandon one of the most loyal and beautiful creatures. How can they abandon their furry friends as if they were never part of their lives? Lucy is one of those dogs who knows what it’s like to be abandoned by the person she trusts the most. The owner not only abandoned the man, but also tied him up on the side of the road. Despite her master’s betrayal, Lucy believed there were good people out there.

Hungry and alone, he spent five days trying to get the help he needed. When he saw someone passing by, he would raise his front paw and ask for help.

A woman with a big heart rushes to save him.

Playful white puppy on hind legs
a cheerful white puppy on its hind legs
A good woman comes to see a dog chained by the side of the road. Before she met him, she decided to take him home and become his foster mother.

When the dog saw him, he raised his front paws towards him. He had a smile on his face and asked her to help him. She hoped he would be the one to save her. The dog saw the woman’s smiling face and knew she was ignoring him. He couldn’t contain his happiness. His face lit up.

Her foster mother caressed her lovely face. The puppy closed its eyes and tried to suck on his arm. He broke her chains and set her free.

Lucy is the happiest dog in the world

Cheerful white dog in woman’s arms
cheerful white dog in the arms of a woman
Later, the dog named Lucy started jumping for joy. He regained his freedom. He was over the moon.

He bowed his head. It was his way of expressing his gratitude to the woman who saved him.

He took Lucy’s arm and led her to the car. Lucy just laughed. The puppy sitting on her lap kissed her foster mother. They connected immediately, even though they had never met before.

White dog and woman caressing
a white dog and a woman exchange caresses
Lucy’s foster mother was fascinated by dogs and fell in love with them. From now on he knows nothing but happiness. He will never be alone again. We are so blessed to have Lucy in our wonderful family. I hold her with the love and affection she always dreamed of. We are deeply grateful to Lucy’s foster mother who came to her aid and gave her all her love.