The frontotemporal dementia that the renowned actor Bruce Willis has been battling has led to him withdrawing from the public eye. Recent reports suggest concerns about his daughter Tallulah’s mental health, despite the support of his family. As Bruce’s illness grew worse, the Willis family started to worry about Tallulah’s security.

The daughter of Bruce Willis is battling a tragic new health issue.

After learning that he had aphasia, a condition that impairs speech, Bruce Willis made his acting retirement announcement earlier this year. He was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia in February 2023, which made things worse for the Willis family.

Radar Online claims that Tallulah Moore, who is the daughter of Demi and Bruce Moore, was diagnosed with anorexia not long after her engagement to Dillon Buss ended and aphasia was diagnosed in her father. Bruce was aware of Tallulah’s suffering, and it was said that he was heartbroken to witness her deterioration.

The daughter of Bruce Willis is battling a tragic new health issue.

The moment the family started to worry about their safety, they decided it was best to keep their distance from one another. Tallulah checked herself into an inpatient facility to receive therapy, and there she was identified as having a borderline personality disorder.

Tallulah opened up about her struggles with body dysmorphia, which developed after taking ADHD medication, in a personal essay she wrote for Vogue. Because of the adverse effects of the medication’s appetite suppressing, she began to develop an unhealthy negative attitude toward her body.

She gradually weighed in at a dangerously low 84 pounds, was frequently cold, and required assistance from mobile IV teams.

Tallulah is prayed for to receive the help she requires and make a full recovery. The challenges she encounters while traveling are brought on by her father’s medical issues. The Willis family’s continued management of these demanding circumstances demonstrates how crucial it is to have empathy and compassion when going through adversity.